Review for Nightwish fans

Its a pity they took the original link down....

It was funny as fuck...referring to Tarja as a cumbucket etc

The one ShredHead posted is a reaction to all the hatemail they recieved :)
Nightwish (= their management or record label) are completely right to ask them to put the page down. I've never read something that stupid. If you don't like a band, ok, say so. But this is just brainless attacking. This guy just insults nightwish senseless without any argument. And his answer to their letter is even worse. Does this stupid ahole think he owns the world and his opinion is the only right one? His f page should get banned from www if he doesn't know how to handle an artist
DemonicSoul wrote
Nightwish (= their management or record label) are completely right to ask them to put the page down. I've never read something that stupid. If you don't like a band, ok, say so. But this is just brainless attacking. This guy just insults nightwish senseless without any argument. And his answer to their letter is even worse. Does this stupid ahole think he owns the world and his opinion is the only right one? His f page should get banned from www if he doesn't know how to handle an artist

settle down tiger :)
I've heard that Germans lack a sense of humour :lol:
hmm I dont find this funny, I just find it stupid and needlessly insulting. The guy who wrote it sounds like a real loser, and I don't want to even insult the teenagers on this board with commenting on this guys mentality (or lack thereof) and immaturity.

amount of times the dude says "fucken" in this review alone (not including other "fuck" words): 10

*the word "moron" comes to mind*
Anyone can start there own music review site or forum and rant on about any music they like or dislike... you see more and more of this all the time now. Some people think its funny .. others find it old and non entertaining. People cant plug there own pie hole when it comes to music dislikes.

Go to a death metal or really agressive type music review site and all you see is progressive metal bashing.. or vice versa. I think true metal or music fans are the ones who can appreciate all things metal or any style.
SR wrote
hmm I dont find this funny, I just find it stupid and needlessly insulting. The guy who wrote it sounds like a real loser, and I don't want to even insult the teenagers on this board with commenting on this guys mentality (or lack thereof) and immaturity.

settle down tiger :)
I've heard Queenslanders don't have a sense of humour :lol:

you should read the Lacuna Coil and Evanescence reviews Lord K has written....

Its very non PC, sexist, immature etc but you have to take this stuff with a grain of salt...some (not all) of the reviewers just like hamming up the stereo typical death/black metal attitude that everything in music is shit unless it is ultra brutal, ultra fast, devoid of melody......and as for their attitudes towards women......well we all know the only two things they are good for :)
Both reviews are still up... everyone with a monkey's research skill can find them... Really, why on earth do people get bothered by this? I'm a BIG Nightwish fan, and I really don't see any reason to get all upset about this review. What is your problem? If he doesn't like it, so what? If he writes like a moron, so what? You can just ignore this review can't you?

<quote> silent realm
amount of times the dude says "fucken" in this review alone (not including other "fuck" words): 10

you actually have been counting that? :yow: You really need to get a life...
lol ABQ

well in retort to that, i dont think reading that stupid review is a very productive way to waste time so lets dumben the experience even further by counting the endless repetition of the F word...

He's certainly not the Maddox of the metal review world thats for sure.
meh im not that big on nightwish actually. the music is cool but i havent got used to tarjas voice, its more something blokes would like because they get turned on by chicks singing.
Do you sing SR? :)

I must admit i've only heard/got Century Child and it doesn't do much for me....but it'd still go see them for the fuck of it.....would have gone to Edguy if i wasn't going to Vai in a few weeks.....and may still go see Jeff Scott Soto in September.