Review: Nevermore + Evergrey @ Jaxx

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
To say I was psyched for this show, would be a dramatic understatement. Nevermore is, without question, my favorite band, and Evergrey is, undoubtedly in my top five. It’s such a rare thing that two of your favorite bands get billed together, much less have them afforded the opportunity to perform extended sets.

This was my first trip to Jaxx. The Jaxx staff and owner are very cool and very laid back. The venue itself, while small, has fairly good sight lines, is laid out well and has an excellent sound system. Given it's only 200 miles from my home, I'd certainly return for bands I can’t catch near me.

First off, a big thanks to eaeolian (Mike of Division) for getting us tickets. While I was a bit too busy socializing, I did have a chance to catch some of Division’s set. They had excellent energy and a tight sound. They impressed me enough that I’ll be checking out more of them in the future.

Sunday was the 5th time I’ve seen Evergrey live and it was easily their worst performance. While I don’t want to start any unsubstantiated rumors (maybe someone who interacted with them prior to the show can comment), it appeared that Tom and Henrik were somewhat less than sober. Tom couldn’t remember a single line to the first verse of “Rulers of the Mind”, the execution of the songs was sloppy and their performance lacked energy. We walked out after four or five songs.

Even though I was thrilled at this double billing. The truth of the matter is, I would have walked to Jaxx just to see Nevermore do a headline set. Luckily, they didn’t disappoint. This was the 8th time I’ve seen Nevermore live, and I have to say, it was their best performance.

Although he had to pull out of the In Flames tour, due to health issues, Jim Sheppard flew in specially to perform this show. I’m not sure if that alone drove Nevermore to up the ante or if it was the energy of the sold out crowd, but Nevermore’s set was just stunning. While I believe Steve Smyth’s addition has been a real positive for the band, it’s hard to deny that they sound even tighter with Chris Broderick (Jag Panzer) on 2nd guitar. Chris is a sensational guitar player and has great energy on stage. And it’s clear to see, he loves playing with Nevermore. The minute and a half that he and Loomis traded licks, was priceless.

Unfortunately, Nevermore didn’t play anything from “Politics” and only played one track from “Dreaming” (a jaw-dropping rendition of “Poison God Machine”). While I would have enjoyed a few more old songs, I love all of their material equally, and don’t care a great deal what they choose to play.

Warrell’s vocals were as up front in the mix as I’ve ever heard them and he was dead-on.

Mike (eaeolian) had commented earlier, that it would be interesting to see how Van held up, given that extended sets are hardest on drummers. Suffice it to say, Van was up to the challenge. The man is half beast, half drum machine.

Lastly, it was cool to meet and chat with some of the folks from the UM boards; Karen (Dead Lioness), Jamie (jamiek) and Mike (eaeolian). All in all, great night.

Zod - thanks for the review. I, too, have seen Evergrey quite a few times (4 to be exact) and each time I've seen them they seem to be less and less interested in being there......

This may be off topic and the wrong thread to ask you so I'll make it quick - did you catch Gamma Ray when they were back your way? I'll be seeing them tonite out here and was wondering if you had a quick one or two word review on it??
actordude said:
This may be off topic and the wrong thread to ask you so I'll make it quick - did you catch Gamma Ray when they were back your way? I'll be seeing them tonite out here and was wondering if you had a quick one or two word review on it??
No... sorry. Gamma Ray isn't my thing. I dig the music, but not Kai's voice. I did see them at ProgPower, and they put on a real strong live show. I'm sure you'll be pleased. Enjoy.

Great review Greg - more or less agreed on all counts. I had a blast and would definitely return for special shows like this one at Jaxx. Strange location for a rock club, but no complaints about the club at all (aside from the unexpectedly high price of alcohol - even the Troc charges less). Really enjoyed seeing Nevermore in such an intimate setting (particularly a re-focused Nevermore on top of their game).

General Zod said:
This was my first trip to Jaxx. The Jaxx staff and owner are very cool and very laid back. The venue itself, while small, has fairly good sight lines, is laid out well and has an excellent sound system. Given it's only 200 miles from my home, I'd certainly return for bands I can’t catch near me.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed the venue! Jaxx is an awesome place to catch any show in my opinion ... especially a metal show. :headbang: Sorry, we didn't get to meet up. DemonoftheWoods, BlackenedDawn and I were looking for you, but now such luck. That place was so packed it was hard for me to find the people I did know.

General Zod said:
Sunday was the 5th time I’ve seen Evergrey live and it was easily their worst performance. While I don’t want to start any unsubstantiated rumors (maybe someone who interacted with them prior to the show can comment), it appeared that Tom and Henrik were somewhat less than sober. Tom couldn’t remember a single line to the first verse of “Rulers of the Mind”, the execution of the songs was sloppy and their performance lacked energy. We walked out after four or five songs.

I've only seen Evergrey once before (at Jaxx opening for Iced Earth), and to be honest, I don't even remember seeing them because at the time I didn't know any of there stuff. This time around I know every song they played, so despite the fact that they were pretty intoxicated (which from what I've heard is typical for them) I still enjoyed the show immensely. Tom wasn't anywhere close to sober. By the time I found him after the show and offered to buy him a drink he had to refuse, explaining that he was too drunk. When I told him that I would have to make it up to him and buy him one at ProgPower this year, he's reply was (yet again) "I'm too drunk." Apparently he was so intoxicated at Jaxx that he will still be feeling the repurcussions of it in September. :lol: :kickass:

On the other hand, I had seen Nevermore before and recently enough that I remembered their short set at Gigantour last summer. Although I will agree that they put on an amazing show, I wasn't as interested in seeing them because I really only "know" two of their songs - both of which they played, so I was happy. (Please don't chastize me for the only knowing two songs comment. :saint: ) The energy for Nevermore was intense, although from the back of the bar - comparing the Nevermore crowd to the Evergrey crowd - I would have to say that quite a bit of people left after Evergrey. It might have just been the way the crowd shifted, but there did seem to be a lot more room after Evergrey left the stage.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here's some pictures:







(I couldn't really get that many good pictures of Nevermore, becuase I was way in the back and the crowd was just crazy.)




Here's the one's from when DemonoftheWoods, BlackenedDawn and I met Evergrey:


This one was taken right after Tom told me he was "too drunk" for me to buy him a drink in September ... amazing, there is still a beer in his hand. Haha! :lol:

We all look smashed! :kickass:
People on these forums would tell you that Evergrey is nu-metal trash since they are wearing their own t-shirts. Then again, so is Lars in the 'One' video.

I really wish I could have seen this show. I was surprised when I heard about it... being as they were both going to be headliners for ProgPower. Anyhow, can't wait to see EverGrey live. Hopefully they won't be drunk at it... as they will sound horrible if they can't focus enough on the timings to be working with a string quartet. >_>
Ok, I was going to make this a seperate thread, but I since this thread is all about the show I figured I might as well just do this here.

I thought it was so awesome when that guy proposed to his girlfriend on stage during Evergrey's set. Maybe I'm just being sappy and girly, but I thought that was incredibly cool, romantic, exciting, etc.

So of course I took pictures:


I wanted to give the happy couple a chance to have copies of these, but I couldn't find them after Everygrey's set to give them my e-mail address. I know they are not the best quality pictures, but I wanted to give the couple the opportunity to have them if the wanted. If anyone knows who they are, would you please tell them I'd be happy to send them the files for these pictures. Thanks!
Cheiron said:
People on these forums would tell you that Evergrey is nu-metal trash since they are wearing their own t-shirts. Then again, so is Lars in the 'One' video.

I really wish I could have seen this show. I was surprised when I heard about it... being as they were both going to be headliners for ProgPower. Anyhow, can't wait to see EverGrey live. Hopefully they won't be drunk at it... as they will sound horrible if they can't focus enough on the timings to be working with a string quartet. >_>

Accoring to the keyboard player (can't remember his name right now), Evergrey is only planning on using the string quartet for something like four songs. I was rather disappointed to hear that. Now he could have just been drunk or confused. Although I would hate to hear any of their songs played poorly, four songs hardly qualifies as a ruined set. I agree with you in the fact that I'm hoping for at least a partially sober set.
BlackRoseMetalHeart said:
Sorry, we didn't get to meet up. DemonoftheWoods, BlackenedDawn and I were looking for you, but now such luck.
I wanted to meet you folks as well, but couldn't recall from the thread, what any of you said you'd be wearing.

BlackRoseMetalHeart said:
This time around I know every song they played, so despite the fact that they were pretty intoxicated (which from what I've heard is typical for them) I still enjoyed the show immensely. Tom wasn't anywhere close to sober. By the time I found him after the show and offered to buy him a drink he had to refuse, explaining that he was too drunk. When I told him that I would have to make it up to him and buy him one at ProgPower this year, he's reply was (yet again) "I'm too drunk." Apparently he was so intoxicated at Jaxx that he will still be feeling the repurcussions of it in September.
Thanks for the confirmation. I thought their performance bordered on embarrassing. However, I didn't want to come on here and rail on them, for being too drunk to perform, without knowing the facts.

BlackRoseMetalHeart said:
The energy for Nevermore was intense, although from the back of the bar - comparing the Nevermore crowd to the Evergrey crowd - I would have to say that quite a bit of people left after Evergrey. It might have just been the way the crowd shifted, but there did seem to be a lot more room after Evergrey left the stage.
I didn't notice that, but it wouldn't surprise me. Whenever you have more than one name band, there will always be people who leave before the headliner.

See you at ProgPower.

General Zod said:
I wanted to meet you folks as well, but couldn't recall from the thread, what any of you said you'd be wearing.

Thanks for the confirmation. I thought their performance bordered on embarrassing. However, I didn't want to come on here and rail on them, for being too drunk to perform, without knowing the facts.

I didn't notice that, but it wouldn't surprise me. Whenever you have more than one name band, there will always be people who leave before the headliner.

See you at ProgPower.


Sorry, I don't think we ever mentioned (at least I didn't) what we would be wearing. But hopefully, we will see you at another show before ProgPower ... especially if you plan on coming back to Jaxx. :D
Let me make three things clear in regards to their headline show at the fest:

1. I have not discussed the actual number of songs that will involve the string quartet, but it will be essentially equal to the dvd if I have any input in it (and I do write the checks).

2. They will be sober for their performance (as I will be taking up their slack).

3. They will bring their "A" game. They know how important this festival is and treat it as their second home. As others have posted in the past, they always take it to another level in Atlanta as compared to anywhere else in the States.

Glenn H.
BlackRoseMetalHeart said:
I wanted to give the happy couple a chance to have copies of these, but I couldn't find them after Everygrey's set to give them my e-mail address. I know they are not the best quality pictures, but I wanted to give the couple the opportunity to have them if the wanted. If anyone knows who they are, would you please tell them I'd be happy to send them the files for these pictures. Thanks!

He posts on the EG forum...he posted a video clip of him proposing on stage. :)

Harvester said:
2. They will be sober for their performance (as I will be taking up their slack).
Susan: A real woman could stop you from drinking.
Arthur: It'd have to be a real BIG woman.
Harvester said:
3. They will bring their "A" game. They know how important this festival is and treat it as their second home. As others have posted in the past, they always take it to another level in Atlanta as compared to anywhere else in the States.
I have no doubt they'll bring their "A" game to ProgPower... they always do.

And in case anyone is curious (probably not) the intro music Nevermore played was "The Mystic's Dream" by Loreena McKennitt, off the CD "The Mask and the Mirror". It's a brilliant piece of music and my favorite song by her.
