Revisiting one of the greatest ProgPower Metal albums in history

Why would you be embarrassed? Not only it's just music, it's also something that made you feel good back then. There's nothing wrong with that. The whole "There's only two types of music" mentality that Halford taught you on that quote (your signature), is just too stupid to ignore. :lol:

Listen to what makes you feel good, and don't worry about people judging it.

:lol: Well, it's moreso embarrassed nowadays that I used to listen to stuff I actually despise nowadays. Totally forgot about that sig. Oops!
It has always baffled me that these guys were never bigger and disappointing that they didn't stay together. Not sure where or why I bought the albums back in 04 or so, but very glad I did. Fantastic music, Cry of a Restless Soul being my favorite.

I remember back in the day when me and my buds would take our weekly drive to the local Borders to buy CDs (High School Senior Year - 2003). Back then they had a lot of power/prog metal in stock and we'd make a lot of blind purchases. One day I saw A Flame to the Ground Beneath and showed it to the guys... The cover was hysterical and there was that big sticker "Death to False Metal" on it. For months it sat there cause none of us had the guts to pick up that cheesy-looking thing. :lol: Then one day I'm like "That's it. I'm doing it." Everyone was so glad I did that...
Absolutely loved Lost Horizon. They were on serious rotation back when I have my radio shows...Heed was awesome too, wish they kept it going.. The only critique I have about LH was the cheesy names and make up, total Crimson Glory wannabe's but whatever works for ya!
