RIP Ronnie Montrose

Very sad. RIP Ronnie, another great moves on into eternity! He was such a cool cat, met him a few years back, totally nice guy!!! His music will always rock on..

I am going to play Voyager now

RIP....indeed, a great loss. All aspiring rock guitarists should own the "Montrose" self-titled album...just a monster slab of pure American hard rock.


I was privileged to witness one of the small reunion performances of the original lineup at the tail end of a Hagar show in St Louis a few years back, something I thought I would never see. Suffice to say, he still had that same tone. He will be missed...

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Hard rock pioneer MONTROSE 'InTheStudio' Exclusive interview with the late Ronnie Montrose & Sammy Hagar

Dallas, TX- March 8, 2012. North American syndicated Rock radio show InTheStudio: The Stories Behind History's Greatest Rock Bands pays tribute to the '70s hard rock innovator Ronnie Montrose, who passed away this past weekend at age 64. In a special Medium Rare online program, Montrose lead singer Sammy Hagar takes a personal look back at the first Montrose album, widely cited by members of Van Halen to Def Leppard as the missing link in the evolution of Hard Rock. Guitarist namesake Ronnie Montrose's credentials as a sideman were impressive, versatile enough to play tasty acoustic guitar on Van Morrison's seminal Tupelo Honey and then turn around to power chord Edgar Winter Group's "Frankenstein" into rock history as the only #1 rock instrumental ever.
We would later hear echoes of that first 1973 Montrose album in the 1978 Van Halen debut. Even though commercial success eluded them, their influence was indelible, and the album Montrose would be the linchpin for much of the modern hard rock sound that would follow. Ronnie Montrose told InTheStudio host Redbeard his theory on why his early work is still cited almost 40 years later: “When you don't have a vocabulary musically that will allow you to make an elaborate statement, you make your statements direct, concise and to the point. And I think the first Montrose album musically does that.”
The InTheStudio.NET/ Montrose Medium Rare' show is an online ONLY exclusive available now at:
Via :

"It was reported earlier today that guitarist RONNIE MONTROSE, who was found dead at his home in Brisbane last month, died from a self-inflected gunshot wound. The autopsy also revealed his blood-alcohol level was at 0.31-percent when he died - nearly four times the legal limit in California.

According to a report at, Montrose, 64, was found in the living room of his home on March 3rd holding an unregistered .38-caliber revolver. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Fans had speculated about the cause of his death after a spokesman from the Brisbane Police Department announced that it was under investigation. "

The Montrose family have now posted the following message:

"By now, the devastating truth of Ronnie’s death is public knowledge. We hope you can understand why we wanted to keep this news a private family matter for as long as possible. We can only hope that you will choose to celebrate Ronnie’s life, and what his music meant to you, rather than mourn his passing. Ronnie would have wanted it that way. He loved being a guitarist, a composer, a producer, and a creator of magic. He fully understood his gifts, and yet he constantly pushed himself to evolve, improve, and make better music. He did this for himself, and he did this for you, because he adored and appreciated his fans. Please keep his energy, his joy, and his love in your hearts.
Please note that there will be no more statements from the Montrose family at this time. We ask that you respect the family's privacy."