Ripper Owens to sing unreleased DIO material...


Jul 16, 2002
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I just read that on the Black Sabbath forum, posted by webmaster Joe Siegler:

This is way off topic, but Owens will be singing in place of Dio on some unreleased Dio material the Dio band is going to be recording. Apparently Rudy & Craig were given permission by Wendy to go through Ronnie's computer looking for tunes they can record. Now THAT will be interesting.

(Let's not discuss this in detail here, we can go to another thread for that).

What do you guys think about that? Could be very interesting if Ripper controls his screaming and actually sings, which he can do very well.

Will probably be lame, even for fans of Ripper because it's obviously not written for his vocal style. I think Ripper is an extremely overrated and derivative singer, so in general I can't say I'm looking forward to this at all.
I don't like this idea and I don't really think they should be digging through Dio's computer to find tracks to release some half assed effort with Tim 'Ripper' Owens. I understand the need of making a living, but I don't really think they should be doing it on someone else's coattails. Considering this is stuff most likely for the Magica story Dio had plans for in the future not sure how well the end product will turn out. The aspect that probably amuses me the most is that they have the most notable 'fill-in' singer in metal history doing these tracks.
Um, I seem to remember mentioning exploitation...
And I was attacked and disagreed with.

As for Ripper doing this I think he should hold out for the big fish because when Ozzy kicks it Sharon will show you how making money off a dead guy is done. So maybe ripper can sing Ozzy songs.
Ripper is more diverse than people think.

Plus, which is better:

- Letting Ronnie's music and ideas rot on a hard drive


- Allowing the actual DIO band access to the songs they would have played anyway to keep Ronnie's memory alive

Ripper is melodic, powerful, and distinctive and I think he'd do a good job...
I guess i dont see the disrespect that everyone else does, this is something that his friends and family (band mates and wife) wanted to do, and i am sure they know what Dio would have wanted better than any of us do. and if it is just a cash grab than that is something they will have to weighing on there hearts.
Completely unnecessary and disrespectful. Honestly most of what's gone on since Dio's death has made me lose any respect I once had for Wendy Dio.

Pretty much my feeling as well. I like Ripper a lot, but I find this to be in bad taste. I think "possibly" had there been a singer that Dio raved and raved about and they picked him, I might have had a different tune but by doing this with a singer who to my knowledge Dio wasn't raving about is not cool.
Should there be nothing done with what Ronnie had written but never had a chance to release?

Does Wendy have to consult the fans before she makes a move?

Do you think that maybe Wendy, Craig & Rudy might have known Dio's wishes and opinions a little better than we do?

Isn't Ripper managed by Wendy? I would think it safe to assume the he and Ronnie knew each other and respected each other...
Should there be nothing done with what Ronnie had written but never had a chance to release?

Does Wendy have to consult the fans before she makes a move?

Do you think that maybe Wendy, Craig & Rudy might have known Dio's wishes and opinions a little better than we do?

Isn't Ripper managed by Wendy? I would think it safe to assume the he and Ronnie knew each other and respected each other...

It's just risky to me. I would rather it sit there than for it to not work at all, be a failure, etc. Maybe like others have said, I don't think Ripper is the best choice. I think he is more diverse than people give him credit, but I think to do this properly they need someone who is closer to Dio's vocal style.
Then we'd be hearing about how the singer is trying to rip off Dio.

My first choice, personally, would be Russell Allen...but I wasn't consulted. :)

I'll wait and see how it turns out before I judge the respectfulness of it...
May when it is out they can all go on That Metal Show and do another infomercial and call it a Dio Tribute Special.
Maybe I'm just cynical but I think it just comes down to that person who owns the publishing is doing it to make some money.