Riverside streaming concert video

On the way. Official bootleg the band was selling on their recent tour. Limited edition of 1000 copies that is almost out of print. We have a nice quantity due here in a week to 10 days. Reasonably priced of course.
Ken - Are you still planning on getting this cd in?

I've been checking your site at least 10 times a day for the past week to make sure I get one before they sell out. (I guess you can say I am really looking forward to hearing this.)

- Thanks
Yes. Piotr is trying to get his act together to get them shipped off to me. Packing and shipping is not a Riverside forte. :)

I should have them next week. As soon as I get a tracking number I'll start to take orders for it.
I didn't miss the boat on these, did I? I've been checking the store zealously, but with such a limited quantity I wouldn't be that surprised if they already came and went.