Rob van der Loo's New Solo EP!

Freak Neil

Sep 30, 2002
Hey people,

My latest solo EP called Six Arms is available right now!
It can be ordered on my site pretty soon but it will also be sold on the Queensryche concert.

I hope you'll like it!



I downloaded some samples from your site a while ago, sounded great. Can't wait to hear the whole thing! (something to keep me busy until the SC cd it out :) ) The artwork looks pretty cool, is it Dennis' work?

btw, it's terryfying to think how bizarre good you would play if you really had six arms, but then again; having six arms is quite bizarre isn't it? :)
solitudewithin said:
I downloaded some samples from your site a while ago, sounded great. Can't wait to hear the whole thing! (something to keep me busy until the SC cd it out :) ) The artwork looks pretty cool, is it Dennis' work?

btw, it's terryfying to think how bizarre good you would play if you really had six arms, but then again; having six arms is quite bizarre isn't it? :)

I'll make sure there will be some samples from this EP online pretty soon.
The samples wich are on my site right now aren't from Six Arms...just a few older recordings.

The artwork was done by Marco Jeurissen from 101 Images, see:
Marco also did the artwork for "Dominion" and the Sun Caged album.

Sometimes I wish I had six arms! LOL

Six Arms means I played 7 string, 6 string fretless bass and Chapman Stick on this EP. No guitars or keyboards were used.

Wow, first off that art work looks really cool, I like it a lot. I'm really excited to hear this album!

When you say it's going to be sold at the Queensryche show, would that include the Toronto show with Dream Theater and Fates Warning by any chance? I'd buy it in a second!

Bassmasta said:
Wow, first off that art work looks really cool, I like it a lot. I'm really excited to hear this album!

When you say it's going to be sold at the Queensryche show, would that include the Toronto show with Dream Theater and Fates Warning by any chance? I'd buy it in a second!


SaTriaNi is right.......sorry

My site will be completely updated very soon so you can order my EP from there. :)
Yup. The samples you hear are taken from my kit (during the Secrets Of Flight demo-recordings last year). I think Joost put them into Logic and made the drum-tracks that way. So you hear my kit, but it's not me playing ;)

It's not a drumcomputer. Logic is a program very much like Pro-Tools. It just has a very good drum-sequencer built in...
