Rock Harvest

I bought my tickets before this became the mess that it is. At this point, I've got vacation days to burn and two tickets already paid for. Honestly, I'm not terribly bummed about it, as I'd pay $50 a ticket just for Ashes to Ares.

What I would be curious to know is, were the promoter's intentions genuine or was he looking to screw people from the get-go? From what I can surmise, he seems more incompetent than criminal.
That's my impression as well.

Definitely it's incompetance. In fact, I would say it's more that he got in way over his head. He had a really good lineup here, but I think he was thinking he'd sell a lot more tickets and/or find the funds some other way to finance it and he wasn't able to. This is why fests unless they are selling tickets like hotcakes need to slowly build the fest.
Definitely it's incompetance. In fact, I would say it's more that he got in way over his head. He had a really good lineup here, but I think he was thinking he'd sell a lot more tickets and/or find the funds some other way to finance it and he wasn't able to. This is why fests unless they are selling tickets like hotcakes need to slowly build the fest.

and you can also never trust facebook likes and people saying they are coming on event page invites. So many people trust this as "fact" never is.

I think he was hoping the line up was interesting enough where pre-sales and stuff would have helped cover cost but as he found wasn't. Like many have said before....I don't know why he is announcing bands for next year even before this one has happened yet. You have to wonder what most of these bands are thinking now.
Definitely it's incompetance. In fact, I would say it's more that he got in way over his head. He had a really good lineup here, but I think he was thinking he'd sell a lot more tickets and/or find the funds some other way to finance it and he wasn't able to. This is why fests unless they are selling tickets like hotcakes need to slowly build the fest.

Well, I believe that Rock Gone Wild was incompetence as well and trying to bite off more than you can chew. However, once you get to the point where you are not delivering anything close to the product that the ticket buyers expected, they may have decided to go ahead with the festival with a grossly inferior lineup rather than cancel the whole thing just so he doesn't have to issue refunds, which he may not be able to afford at this point. Back to the RGW situation, I know those bands were booked so the promoter took a bath with deposit money, etc. Rock Harvest II is probably in the same boat and doesn't have the money to put on the festival he promised nor does he have the money left after paying deposits, etc. to issue refunds.

At this point, I wouldn't trust my money for next years festival and would only buy a ticket at the door if I wanted to go.
I honestly believe the intentions were good it just got out of control. What made things even worse than the bands dropping was the fact that updates were/are far and few. I lost $150.00 on tickets, it is too much of a chance of what would at least ended up costing me about $500.00 to go to Maryland to discover that only a dj, cover band, and a "good cause" is all that is left.
As I have mentioned before; I understands drop from fests for whatever reason, but not typically in this number. Let's be honest here; all that bands that have dropped is what as sold those tickets, not people being charitable, people aren't charitable they need something for their money even if it is only a goddamn meaningless ribbon.
I feel like I ordered Girl Scout cookies and I never received them. HAHA
I honestly believe the intentions were good it just got out of control. What made things even worse than the bands dropping was the fact that updates were/are far and few. I lost $150.00 on tickets, it is too much of a chance of what would at least ended up costing me about $500.00 to go to Maryland to discover that only a dj, cover band, and a "good cause" is all that is left.
As I have mentioned before; I understands drop from fests for whatever reason, but not typically in this number. Let's be honest here; all that bands that have dropped is what as sold those tickets, not people being charitable, people aren't charitable they need something for their money even if it is only a goddamn meaningless ribbon.
I feel like I ordered Girl Scout cookies and I never received them. HAHA

I'd trade my VIP pass for some Samoas or those peanut butter chocolate ones.
AJ Pero from Twisted Sister is the National Spokeperson for this wonderful cause that supports families of police officers killed OUTSIDE the line of duty (suicide from stress etc... ) links below

here is the official website for this cause ...

no wonder this country is going to shit , people are forgetting the real cause behind this.. big named bands are demanding money and won't pay their own way which in their defense yes they originally didn't have to but now yes hence dropping off (since the airline that was donating travel for everyone had to backout due to govt shutdown) hence creating this as you all call it a "catastrophe"...

one person is trying their best to do something good, and everyone is bashing them .. again it seems everyone is about money and not about the cause ..

I have been to the other Rock Harvest shows in the past and they have been great , the meet & greets were awesome. The food , being able to communicate with the bands and hang with them was an experience I will never forget... and this year I will be there again no matter what band wants to be greedy and drop off due to having to actually buy a plane ticket... I will enjoy myself for the 3 days and cherish the moments

AJ Pero from Twisted Sister is the National Spokeperson for this wonderful cause that supports families of police officers killed OUTSIDE the line of duty (suicide from stress etc... ) links below

here is the official website for this cause ...

no wonder this country is going to shit , people are forgetting the real cause behind this.. big named bands are demanding money and won't pay their own way which in their defense yes they originally didn't have to but now yes hence dropping off (since the airline that was donating travel for everyone had to backout due to govt shutdown) hence creating this as you all call it a "catastrophe"...

one person is trying their best to do something good, and everyone is bashing them .. again it seems everyone is about money and not about the cause ..

I have been to the other Rock Harvest shows in the past and they have been great , the meet & greets were awesome. The food , being able to communicate with the bands and hang with them was an experience I will never forget... and this year I will be there again no matter what band wants to be greedy and drop off due to having to actually buy a plane ticket... I will enjoy myself for the 3 days and cherish the moments


People promised a paying gig should instead do it for free, or worse, at a loss, because the promoter wrote checks he couldn't cash, just because it's for a cause someone thinks others should care about?

Ok. Sure.
no matter what band wants to be greedy and drop off due to having to actually buy a plane ticket... Thanks!

YEAH! Greedy bastards...

Never heard anything about anyone being paid for this event.. ??
it's for a good cause , no one should be paid to begin with ..

it seems everyone forgets the purpose and focuses on anything that is negative associated with it...

I'd love to see someone else try and put this together, that has never been in the music scene, nor is a musician.. not saying the guy maybe shouldn't have gotten himself in over his head which I think is the reason.. but he IS / WAS trying .. can't we give him that ?

Try to do something good, and it comes back to bite ya on the ass.. trying to bring back bands that the people enjoy and would love to hear again ..

but again , I will be supporting no matter what.. can't wait to rock out :kickass:
Never heard anything about anyone being paid for this event.. ??
it's for a good cause , no one should be paid to begin with ..

it seems everyone forgets the purpose and focuses on anything that is negative associated with it...

I'd love to see someone else try and put this together, that has never been in the music scene, nor is a musician.. not saying the guy maybe shouldn't have gotten himself in over his head which I think is the reason.. but he IS / WAS trying .. can't we give him that ?

Try to do something good, and it comes back to bite ya on the ass.. trying to bring back bands that the people enjoy and would love to hear again ..

but again , I will be supporting no matter what.. can't wait to rock out :kickass:

Some bands were told they'd be paid, others were told their transportation would be covered if they played for free. The promotor couldn't keep his promises. That's the bottom line.

And I was there last year too. It was fun, and I was looking forward to this show...until it completely fell apart. Charity is great, but if that's all that should matter the guy could have just done a fundraiser. He decided to put on a festival though, so it's perfectly legit for bands to complain about promises not being met and for fans to complain when 75% of the lineup vanishes.
ddead - I have never been to Rock Harvest, only heard of it and seen the (art) posters. The cause/charity this is all for - awesome. Anyone putting in time to help someone else gets kudos in my book.

We all know, things happen. However, it's how those "things" are handled (and more importantly, how those things are communicated to people) that creates a crappy scenario and bad press.

That said, I saw what people were saying/posting in various places about all this (forums, facebook, etc.) - and I saw how the promoters/handlers were responding to those people (ticket holders).

I did not come away thinking very highly of the organizers of all this based on the responses - and granted they may be the nicest people in the world, I do not know. But, you can't slam ticket holders for wondering who the heck is playing or not before they commit to travelling long distances to see this show (that's merely one example).

and you can also never trust facebook likes and people saying they are coming on event page invites. So many people trust this as "fact" never is.

100% agree with this. I also see the opposite happen too where hardly anyone says they're going and there's a ton. You just can't rely on that shit.
Metal Ages - I understand that completely .. thanks for bringing that to my attention, as I personally live 2 hrs from the event. Personally I am going even if no one plays.. but that's just me..

From what I remember and in the past, hotels are / were always covered. Transportation has always been provided to the hotel from the airport and then to the show and back.. this was done by others providing their time and energy.. maybe there is no one this year to assist ? As they explained the backer who provided air fare for all bands had backed out.. this was an unfortunate thing to have happen in the last few weeks. . . and was not on the promoter he from what it seems is trying his best to make everyone happy and make up for the unfortunate events that have occured.

As for bands being paid , I guess I will never understand this , I am assuming that in their minds since they're "BIG NAMES" they should be paid ? my opinion is shame on them for even accepting payment to begin with..

also, from Mystic- Force bass player Keith Menser (see below)

Keith Menser- People please know I am fully supporting this event and the events cause. MYSTIC-FORCE was completely pumped to perform on the stage however with our singer located on the Westcoast and we didn't expect funds for our performance but also never planned to pay to play. However I even offered to cover a portion of the plane ticket. With a loss of a major sponser happened it put the events promoter in a very different level to handle matters. He's a very professional guy and I appreciate what he does for our scene, so please know he is handling a very huge task at hand. We even booked a second gig to help cover the plane ticket costs which three weeks ago was around $280.00 and last week was up to $540.00. So please know for MYSTIC-FORCE the main reason to be forced to cancel was by no means us expecting payment for our show. We knew from day one it's a benefit for the Fallen Blue. I was at last years event to as a supporter, understand the importance o the festival and was the reason we felt we wanted to be apart and had our Guitarist not faced injury last weekend, we'd be there ready to rock even without the help of the pllane ticket as we booked the Club66 to earn the funds to see all matters move in progress.

I understand also bands not having to pay for this cause, to get there etc.. again everything was supposed to be covered for them but with the backer backing out that did provide transportation this in turn makes everything fall apart..

I know that next year things will be done differently .. and the promoter will be more cautious, and learn from this .. I feel for those who have purchased tickets and live along ways away , it's very unconvenient but as you are now "screwed" "upset" I'm sure the promoter is as well.. give him some mercy and applause for at least trying.. and still come support what bands will be playing

Ronny Munroe from Metal Church performing with Ghost Of War is one I am looking forward to , along with Ashes of Ares , and Reverence..

Word !