Rocks Hard or Hardly Rocks - Vince Neil - "Promise Me"??

Well, I'm not a chick, (but if I was I'd look at my hooters all day! haha) and my taste is to be debated...but I say the song rocks... It all depends on how you look at it. If you compare the song to something Vince Neil would have sang when he was decked out in leather and studs right after singing Helter Skelter at the US Festival, then yeah, it blows...but if you think of Vince Neil with Steve Stevens and co. singing "You're Invited But Your Friend Can't Come" then I say it ranks up there with that. It ain't Motley...but it's a good little rock ditty that suits Vince well. I would buy it.
Now pass the taters! I'm hooooonnnnnnnnnnngry!