Roll Call...who's atying at the Granada?

I'll be there Dubya, you better not be hollering and screaming in the hallways all hours of the night or I'll have to kill you.

Ha ha ha.
I will be there as well. I can't believe it's less than THREE WEEKS to PP!! I feel like a kid going to Disney for the first time...:D
i have some questions about the hotel area..
is there any cash dispencer (we call it ATM but how about there?) which i can use citibank card around the hotel or venue?
and i was asked to buy some US product room Flagrances *how metal :lol: * but i'm only staying there for three days.. do you think i can find some cheap and nice ones around the hotel/venue?

i'll really appreciate if someone can answer me! :)
There is an ATM or 2 at Earthlink, and I know we passed one on the way to the 2 hidden kickass resturants we ate last year.
Our pal Kostas from the UK did, however, have some problems with that particular ATM. I wouldn't worry about it, ATMs are EVERYWHERE!...