Roll Call...who's atying at the Granada?

Anytime Junnie!

Hmmmmmmmm I don't recall a pharmacy...........Unless you count the bar at

No shops I saw at the Grenada....We lived in a relatively small area last year.... I'm sure you could hop the Marta and find just about whatever you may need. Maybe Shaye knows?

It's slightly colder at night, no more than light jacket or sweatshirt. During the day it was t-shirt weather. This was last long as it doesn't snow.............

Originally posted by junnie from the east

any pharmacy around? or does Granada have some shops in the guilding?


No shops in the building, but there is a CVS Drugstore/Pharmacy about a ten minute walk from the Granada. That's where I'll be getting my Mountain Dew!

Getting psyched!

hehe.. Creeps, one of my friends said the same thing as she dying to see Edguy! one the way to there i'll bring her in my suitcase and way back she will be replaced by you? :lol:

hey it's a good news for me, thank you Kez! are you staying there as well? yes one more weeks! i really can't concentrate myself on my work... see you very..SOON!
There will be a World Cup Beer Pong Tournament Atlanta 2002 PP3 Edition forming. Obviously all band members are allowed, two max per team, and any other daring fans...just find the group of long, dark, black slick hair in a pony tail (wait, everyone looks like that huh?) or me who will have most likely have my Italian soccer jersey on, or my Maiden soccer jersey at the pre-show party. Just come find me and I will give you all details...all are welcome!!!
awww you are the one with the leather arm cover? you look very strong! i'm afraid i'm a little bit weak to carry you...i'm supporsed to win at the arm wrestling with Jay and Mark though... :D !

ok i'll talk to you guys, there will be 4 japanese females in Granada as far as i know, and i'm kinda oldest :D so you might be able to recognize me, heheh

see you soon!
