Roundhouse Tapes DVD?

Brackwatah Palk

New Metal Member
Jan 12, 2008
Just curious if there is any info. on when this is going to be released, or maybe why its taking so long?

Really been looking forward to it, but I'm starting to wonder if its a possibility that they might never release the dvd and just leave it as an audio live show.
I'm sorry, but all info found within the forum is outdated.
"DVD will be released in early 2008" isn't much of a good answer, at least not for me.
IMHO, if you don't intend to answer the question, don't even reply to the topic.
I'm sorry, but all info found within the forum is outdated.
"DVD will be released in early 2008" isn't much of a good answer, at least not for me.
IMHO, if you don't intend to answer the question, don't even reply to the topic.

calm down, theres more than 3 threads made for the roundhouse dvd, and i know that all of them say that it will be released october 2008. plus, u could try going to amazon and seeing when the release date is.

dont get pissed when members tell u to use the search function, if u have a question about something u should search longer than a few minutes in this forum for the answer.
I'm sorry if it sounded a bit harsh, but back then the only answer i could find was "use the search engine", and then when i tried, it led me to a topic telling me to use the search engine again. Then i thought that people could at least point to the right topic before saying that. Oh well. And i was in a bad day. ><

Here, smile.
