Rumor from MP board...SPV going under?

These rumors have been floating around for a few years now, but I have never heard anything more official than hearsay from people in the business.

Too bad they're a German company; otherwise they could lobby the government for a free handout! :D
SPV spends a lot of money on their bands.
All their major signings in recent years have experienced studio releases, re-releases, live albums, DVDs
(Iced Earth, Rhapsody, Kamelot, and Gamma Ray quickly come to mind).

I always found SPV CDs / packaging to be of a VERY high quality.

Hope they aren't going under.
I would take heed to Ken and Claus before buying into Jon Schaeffer's BS. I would trust their word before Jon's
... Claus... I would trust their word

I would take Ken's word over Claus... But you also have to remember, Jon is on the label and it isn't doing him any good to say any of this if it isn't true, lets just see how it all plays out over the next few months.

Hmmm...taking a band member who hasn't been on the label long at all over not 1 but 2 people that have been in the industry a long time. Me thinks you should have let this one alone.
A lot of people think a lot of things...

True. But I am one person that tends to wait until a "Official" statement is released. Who knows, maybe Jon Schaffer got in a an argument with the label and is venting his frustration? Its only rumor, thats all it is. Why don't we just leave this alone until we hear for sure.

And BTW according to the pic on your myspace page you are a bit jaded in your view as you seem to be a bit too close to the band to be able to express an objective opinion.
Interview is online now, for anyone interested:

I realize Ken and Claus are veterans in the music biz and, frankly, I'd trust their word over Jon's any day of the week.

But being a former journalist, I know a little about libel. If Jon is saying such things and they're not true, then SPV may have grounds to file suit. Why? Because Jon's statements could potentially cost them money by (a) making them look bad in the music industry, and (b) keeping bands from signing with them because they're afraid the label will tank.

Maybe Jon knows something Ken and Claus don't. Or maybe he's talking trash about SPV the way he does about Century Media. (Let's face it, he likes to talk trash.)

Who knows for sure? Time will tell.
