Say, anyone have an extra (or unneeded) PP VIII program?

Virtual Scott

Allroundniceguy™ and Musical Mastermind.
Apr 12, 2006
Lost Angeles, CA
If you do, and you don't need or want it, I'll gladly take it from you, preferably without the use of cyber-force. Coercion and bartering is ok, too! Thanks in advance. Unfortunately, since I wasn't here, I'd still like to put my finger back on the pulse of the PP community. Drop me an IM or an email and thanks in advance.
I need one too. Someone lifted my within the first few hours I had my hands on it. I'm sure it was an oversight. :(
I need a book and CD of the festival. :(
Anyone have one extra? I prefer the book over the CD and would be fine with just the book.
My friend lost ours..
Please PM me if you have. :)
I need a book and CD of the festival. :(
Anyone have one extra? I prefer the book over the CD and would be fine with just the book.
My friend lost ours..
Please PM me if you have. :)

And what is this program thing?
In this case, I want one, too! :p
I totally missed getting the Book and CD. I managed to get one of the guys checking the hand stamps to get me a book. But I missed the CD. When did they give those out?

Both the book and the CD were in the bags given out when you first walk in. The table was set up on the left right before you walk up the stairs