See TWELFTH GATE at GIGANTOUR in Milwaukee!!


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
First of all...I hope you guys are cool with me posting this on here...


We're playing a Battle of the Bands at JJ Kelley's in Lansing, IL on Sept 2nd for a chance to win an opening slot at the Gigantour date in Milwaukee!!

If you live in the Chicago area & don't already have plans on Saturday, Sept 2nd, we'd very much appreciate your support in helping us get on that stage!!

For more details on the battle show, go to the Upcoming Shows Thread on our forum.

Thanks & hope to see many of you locals there!!
Rob, Rich, Jim, Red & Dan
dan of bereavement said:
good luck guys! how will they do the voting? if it's online let me know and you have my vote as well!


Thanks so much for the support bro!!

Actually, the winner each night will be decided by decibel meter...hehe. We're hoping to have some fans & friends out in the crowd with some, not the iron kind to beat up the other bands' fans/friends, but the vocal kind...hehe. :p
GateXII said:
Thanks so much for the support bro!!

Actually, the winner each night will be decided by decibel meter...hehe. We're hoping to have some fans & friends out in the crowd with some, not the iron kind to beat up the other bands' fans/friends, but the vocal kind...hehe. :p

Damn't I just polished my pipe too!
Rob - Good luck.
I will be out of town the weekend of the Battle of the Bands....

You should strategically place boom boxes with pre-recorded audience cheers throughout the club! :lol:
We were in a hotel somewhere on the road. We only had funds for one room, so we got 2 double beds, so it was 2 to a bed, and one guy on the floor. So, Vito and Brian are bunked together, Vito is passed out cold, as is Joe and Larry. I'm still awake, and just turned off the TV about 15 minutes prior. Vito then sits up, picks up his cell phone (which didn't ring) and says "Hello? Yeah... OK... Yeah..." He then wakes up Brian who is asleep next to him and Vito says "My buddy is on the phone, and he has 15 inch pipe for sale. You want to buy any?" Brian says "What the fuck? No dude, I don't want your 15 ince pipe!" Vito then put the phone down, and was asleep again instantly.

I almost pissed myself. Brian and I laughed our asses off at this, and it quickly became the "inside" joke. No one would believe that story, so Brian and I were both glad we each heard it happen...

So for the record, Vito has some 15 inch pipe he can sell you...
I did go to Notre Dame for two years until they kicked me out. And yes it was, and still is an all boys high school. I even worked there building and tearing down the priest's bedrooms and building them a new wing. I have alot of "interesting" stories(nothing involving me haha) about priests and their private rooms.