Serious question regarding Glenn's day job


METAL... nuff said!
Sunday, we had a bit of a debate as to whether Glenn still kept his day job (elbows deep in blood and guts at the ER) or whether this promotion was his new career choice.

Care to elaborate on this for us, Allmighty Steel Balls?

Still can't get over that award... it was beautiful... *sniff* ...beautiful...
seriously, this was my 3rd progpower...
Glenn's a doctor?

Seriously, I assumed he was promoter, but this was his 'baby'.

Actually (again, seriously), I've been burning with questions about the fellow for years now.
Where's he from.
What's he do.
What's his car of choice (what he drive.)
etc. etc. We need a bio. of Glenn on the site!
I thought he did something with computers, my facts are messed up. We need somebody to do a very long interview with Glenn for the site.
jonrpatrick said:
seriously, this was my 3rd progpower...
Glenn's a doctor?

Nurse. Yes, that's right... Nurse Glenn, Harvester of Blood and Guts.

Where's he from.

From the Shadows of time.

What's he do.

Rock You.

What's his car of choice (what he drive.)

A Slick Black Cadillac, with solid gold hubcaps... and a Balls of Steel hood ornament.

We need a bio. of Glenn on the site.

You're welcome.