Shadow Gallery live debut

Show was unbelievable. Band was very tight, setlist hit every single album. There were fireworks, there was good food and beer...and the weather cooperated (show was outdoors!).

Amazing that they finally decided to tour after all these years. Apparently each member of the band is VERY proficient with a number of instruments. It's unreal how talented they are!

Setlist can be found here:
Wow! Totally jealous even though I'm not so familiar with some of their stuff. Hope they hit some other states at some point...or better yet, progpower.
This is one of the concerts I am most disappointed to have missed. No setlist could have been bad, in my opinion. I hope I get a chance to see this band live, soon. Next year's ProgPower perhaps? I can dream!
I was there and it fucking rocked! It seems normally that prog bands are boring to watch and don't move around too much. That is the stereotype. SHADOW GALLERY shattered that misconception and were very exciting to watch. Carl was a madman, especially! All of them are amazing musicians. Gary switching from guitar/keyboards to drums for a few tunes. Brian Ashland singing his ass off and shredding guitar and adding keys. Also, amazing backing vocals from everybody except Joe Nevolo. SG blew me away! I can only hope I get to see them again! They would absolutely kill on the Progpower stage!
It was an awesome show and yes, many of them are proficient on more than one instrument and that was very cool to watch!

The pavillion was packed for SG and I heard it was 300+. Not too bad for the middle of nowhere! Actually, the drive there, the weather, and the venue were awesome! Round trip to the venue was less than half the distance to Atlanta. ;-)
I googled and found a posting where someone guessed about 250 people. Could be true. I really wasn't looking around at other peeps that much. SG had me captivated.

This is probably referring to the review I posted on, haha.

It was a fantastic show, I feel privileged to have witnessed it. A few technical issues and whatnot, as I expected, but the guys dealt with them really well and professionally and the audience was more than OK with the issues given the spectacle the band put on. I have seldom seen such a display of musicianship as I did on that stage.

A few pictures, though from my phone and thus not very good:

Shadow Gallery:



This is probably referring to the review I posted on, haha.

It was a fantastic show, I feel privileged to have witnessed it. A few technical issues and whatnot, as I expected, but the guys dealt with them really well and professionally and the audience was more than OK with the issues given the spectacle the band put on. I have seldom seen such a display of musicianship as I did on that stage.

A few pictures, though from my phone and thus not very good:

Shadow Gallery:



Yep, you are correct, Sir. It was a fucking fantastic show. Wasn't it?
Everyone is talking about Shadow Gallery's performance, how was their opening act? You know, the Jersey gods, Suspyre? :headbang:
I can't wait to see them live here in Greece!
I think that the setlist is awesome!