
There's been some rumors around that they either broke up or the drummer Ricardo Confessori is out of the band.. Aparently Andre and Ricardo are not getting along all that well and the band could call it quits soon!

Man, can Andre release more than 3 Cds with a band? LOL Viper, Angra and now Shaaman...
I have to disagree my man:err: I felt that Reason was a nicely arranged album that really showcased the bands softer side. Lets remember, this is not Angra and was never meant to be. I appreciate the album for what it is.

It really blows that the band broke up. I'm sure Andre will proceed with something else.
2nd album was a departure from what was "expected" from the band, I think...but still a very good album...worth checking out.

If any other band would have released it, it would have been better received...

Rock on!
Both of you are right..

It's certainly not crap... But, as ashaman7122 said, It's not what I expected...
Being such an old angra fan, I am just frustrated that either bands (Angra and Shaaman) don't really do much for me this days..

And It's not official that Shaaman has broken up.. That are some rumors and stuff but that's about it..

Man, I am listening to Viper at the moment! Classic shit! Certainly one of Power Metal pioneers (recorded in 86!) :)
It would be awesome if Andre Matos could play progpower sometime soon! :) I just did a little search on youtube and found some classic Angra and Viper stuff..
The last time I saw Andre live was in 1999! Crap, it's been 7 years already...

some nice videos:

Angra- Nothing to say live in Madrid-

Viper- Soldiers of Sunrise

Angra- Make Believe Video Clip-

See ya in few weeks, pat! :)