
I haven't heard it nor heard about it yet...but I can assure you, it is way the hell worth getting. Now that I know about it...thanks to ya'll over thar in Loovull fer lettin' me know n'shit. I'm going to find it ASAP. Needless to say my favoritest bassist and drummer. favoritest.
Dude! I'm jonesing now, big time.
Ya, I got to agree with the hipster, it does sound promising. He was my first bass hero.
Ya, Billy can kick mondo ass. I liked the 1st Mr. Big, but the 2nd one with all the lovey dovey ballads kinda turned my stomach. After hearing him shred on the 1st album and seeing him in concert with Rush (i was front row, hangin on to the barricades right in front of Billy at the UNO theater, woohoo! Then Geddy was on the opposite end when Rush came out :( ), when those ballady videos came out for the second album i went, "yes! Mr. Big again.... what the fuuuuck? green tinted 60's what?"

But, that's my opinion, never liked ballads.

I agree about the Talas, DLR band (with Vai), and 1st Mr. Big album (haven't kept up with that band since the 2nd album, they had any others?)

Was Niacin any good? Wasn't Sheehan and Bozzio in that band together?
Was Niacin any good?

I have no Idea! I've never heard of them!

Mr Big have put out several albums! They're still huge in Japan! Ritchie Kotzen relaced Paul Gilbert on guitar in 1998! But I havent heard any of their snce their 2nd album as well!

I actually liked "green tinted 60's mind"! That opening guitar lick is awesome but the lyrics are indeed stupid & sappy!
Yeah, from what I've read, Niacin started out back in 1996 with Billy Sheehan, John Novello, and Dennis Chambers. (it wasnt bozzio, my bad) Never heard them play before though. It's supposedly a fusion of alot of different styles.

Paul was in RacerX wasn't he? It's been a long time since I listened to a tape of them.

This is a little off the subject. But, I'm kind of anxious to hear Ellefsons new band when they get a tape made. When Megadeth disbanded, Ellefson got together with Friedman, the old drummer from Rust in Peace, and I think Petrelli. I don't think they have a singer yet, but I'm a huge fan of Marty Friedmans guitar playing (and I'm a bassist). I listened to his stuff back in his Cacophony days with Becker.
Yes Paul is a member of Racer X! They're still around with Scott Travis from Judas Priest n the drums!

Regarding Megadeth: Actually I think its Jimmy Degrasso who is playing drums in this new outfit!
Niacin really rules! I've got 2 albums here (Deep and High Bias), and there's really good stuff (distorted grooves, fusion lines and stuff)
I'd recommend the songs Swing Swang Swung, Slapped Silly, High Bias...
Bands without guitar players rox : )

Just a detail, is it Sheenan or Sheehan?

Have you guys ever heard Mr Big's version of D-Purple's Burn?
Billy's version of the keyboard solo kicks ass.
Just picked up the Bozzio/Sheehan disc today and it's really good stuff. A bit weird, but very very cool. If you need a description, I would say: dark experimental spacerock. Listen to it loud at night, in the dark and enjoy!

- the guy that could not drink 20 beers in an hour