Showcase Replacement?

Seems like this is the minority sentiment here, but I gotta agree. :(

Totally agree. The replacement will potentially decide whether I'm going to be at the showcase or not. I am crossing my fingers for someone like Redemption or (long shot, I know) Nevermore.
Seems like this is the minority sentiment here, but I gotta agree. :(

yep, tough slot to fill. i like the idea of looking into PoS, since they should be clear to be in the us for prog nation. they are much more up vanden plas alley than many of the bands mentioned here already.

however, im confident that the best possible choice will be chosen regardless!
You don't just "replace" a band like Vanden Plas that easily. Last time this happened, Halcyon Way stepped in. With all due respect, this wasn't a "replacement" but a last minute patchwork fix (understandable given the circumstances). I'd expect for something more this time Redemption
God, I hope a top tier prog metal band like Vanden Plas isn't replaced by some generic as hell heavy metal band.

I feel the same way as it could influence my decision to go to the Showcase. Unfortunately there's not a huge number of options if he wants a band that actually fills that slot and is US based (or already with a visa) to avoid the hassle. Redemption is one but I don't know about Ray Alder pulling double duty. Cynic would be another possibility and their European tour dates end Sept 6 so they might be back in the US by the 10th. Outside of that, all I can think of is slightly "oddball" choices like dredg and Porcupine Tree but they're both probably a little too big/expensive and lean too far rock for a lot of people. Plus dredg will be in Atlanta at the end of this month and Porcupine Tree isn't starting their US tour until the 15th.
If it's not a prog band, it'd really have to be an interesting oddball band to get me there as I don't have much interest in Primal Fear.
Ray cannot pull double duty.

On a side note, I realize the emotions are running high. Shane is devestated just as I am and is doing the best he can given what he has to work with. Please show some class and be patient and understanding.
Katagory V ;)

Although, if Shane isn't bothering with this thread, we're all just wasting our energy. I'm sure he'll come up with a good replacement whether or not he takes into account fan wishes. :)
Too bad Metal Church called it quits.....this would have been a nice send off. I'd love to see Riot.....howsabout Vicious Rumors? I know I'd love to see them at this venue. It would be impossible to do, but man, would I kill to see a re-formed Racer X playing at Prog Power. Lastly, Kings X would be great to see here too.
King's X would be awesome, but they are playing the area in August. How about their recently re-united blood brothers Galactic Cowboys?
I think the Nevermore thing is a can of worms not even worth touching.

Is Jag Panzer still even active? I know Broderick is in Megadeth now.

I can't believe someone else mentioned Forte. Awesome stuff, but I don't think they're known much and probably not even together anymore.

I heard Anacrusis was doing a reunion show somewhere. That's a band I wish this board was interested in.

I have always love Aghora and would shit myself if they somehow ended up as the replacement.

The band that I'd be psyched to see that might actually get the spot would be Meyvn.
Tim *RIPPER* Owens!

I like his voice a lot, but his solo work just doesn't gets me. I can deal with him on JP, IE and YM without problems, but on his own is not my cup of tea.

Some more bands I didn't mention before here or in the main roster thread:

Icarus Witch
Planet X
Presto Ballet

I can't believe someone else mentioned Forte. Awesome stuff, but I don't think they're known much and probably not even together anymore.

I thought about mentioning them but I don't know how much the festival is willing to go outside progpower. Because are thrash and doom acts that will fit IMO alright. And for the record Forté it's alive and they're near recording process (
Well, the problem is that Tim in those bands are at a higher level than PF. Unless BF has a one off. Last year, I saw Tim live with Yngwie and it was just brilliant!

I like his voice a lot, but his solo work just doesn't gets me. I can deal with him on JP, IE and YM without problems, but on his own is not my cup of tea.

Some more bands I didn't mention before here or in the main roster thread:

Icarus Witch
Planet X
Presto Ballet
Last year, I saw Tim live with Yngwie and it was just brilliant!

I saw some people proposing Malmsteen as a replacement for either the showcase or the main event. I was hesitant because his performance with G3 left me absolutely defrauded. But if you say that now with Tim he's a fine act to see, I'll take your word for it.