Silence teaches you how to sing...

Yeah, it's more like perdition city (there is no black metal element whatsoever). Actually, I think the EP is basically just a bunch of outtakes from the Perdition City recording sessions, though I could be wrong here. Basically, it's one 24 minute track. There are long moments (up to like 5 minutes at a time) of nothing but low volume noises and random sounds, and moments of silence (Wow, huh?). But as ususal, when you are just about to go crazy, something extremely awesome starts up, and leads you off on a wonderful little journey.....Then it eventually stops. Sielence/noise for a while.....New awesome section makes it's way in! And that's the essence of the EP. Except those sections of music that come in are the most Emotional and moving that I've ever heard. It's like he took the best things he's ever written/sung and combined them into one track. Unfortunately though, there's only like 5 or six of these sections......

I highly recommend it to anyone who digs anything by ulver post nattens madrigal. You can pick it up for pretty cheap, it's only $13 at HMV here.
Depending on your frame of reference, there are anywhere from five to eight distinctive movements within the piece, which grew out of Dead City Centres. A twisted companion to Perdition City...if you liked that album, you must hear it. Now I have to see about a second limited edition EP called Silencing The Singing...
24 minutes of varying quality? Sounds interesting enough, but I haven't bought any Ulver yet. Only heard some. Didn't go nuts for what I've heard. I know that's not all they had...just stalled.

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