
angel said she's now staying with her sister and is therefore cut off the internet. she has to recreate from her operation that took place last week. but so far as i've heard, everything is more or less fixed in her leg and now all she needs it time to cure this out. but i'm sure she'll inform us, once she can start walking around and therefore doesn't have to stay at her sister's place anymore. i bet she'll be eager to post LOTS of stuff here, since she almost can't do anything useful right now. but we will see.
yeap, I'm back!

I can't sit to long infront of the puter, I'm not allowes to bend my knee.
The surgery took 2 hours and the have fixed what they could fix, not my inner ligament, because it wasn't completly ripped.
It has to become ok by itself, which will take a looooong time and is painful! They did not put a cast or something simular around it, usually I need it, but the doc is obviously trying a new way out on me :cry:
There is no protection around my knee at all. I just have my crutches to walk with. I have to be very careful no to do a wrong move or my knee will be wrecked again. :cry:

need another 7-10 weeks for full recover...
Hi Silkie!

I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you will soon be better!!
I'm sure we'll meet again on wacken near the toilets *lol* - or at all at their gig there and drinking a beer together! :hotjump: