So long!


Feb 26, 2002
South Florida
Visit site
Hi folks... I've been away from the festival for a few years, but I always loved this community... I've gotten to know a few of you during this past decade, some of you for even longer (the people on the Savatage forum), so I felt compelled to open this thread to share some news...

After 11 years in the USA I am moving back to my native Brazil... I've had a great time here, I can honestly call the US my second home... But it was time to move back and spend some quality time with the family... Everybody still lives there (parents, brother, grandfather, etc).

And this no BS, I really do want to thank Glenn for progpower. It really meant a lot to me, especially on those early years when there were NO prog/power metal shows in the US.... For somebody like me, who used to live in a great power metal market, it was really frustrating to not have any shows..

I remember when I first heard about Prog Power 2... I went absolutely crazy when I found out Ark, Angel Dust and a few others favorites were coming to Atlanta... ahha I was a broke ass high school student, but I found a way to make it to the festival... And I met some great people as well...

Well this is it... I sent all my stuff out today, I will be moving out of my apartment and I will live with friends for a couple of months until I finish some personal business... By the end of the year I will out of here.
Hopefully I will be able to attend the festival again in the future. :)

Bye, Lucas. I hope your move goes safely and smoothly and you enjoy being back in your native country. Make a point of coming back to visit us at ProgPower sometime!
Man, and to think that this guy was my very first ProgPower friend (though we really met through the old Angra forum back in 2000) and now I can honestly call one of my very best friends in this life.

I must actually say that if it wasn't for him, I would've never heard of ProgPower USA. Amazing huh?

I will truly miss you not being here bro, but I do wish you the absolute best of luck in Brazil back with the family and the concerts (those who are unaware, Lucas is a concert promoter in Brazil). Thanks for the good times, man. Wish we had done one last ProgPower, but maybe you'll come back for it next year (Remember Sanctuary and Arcturus!) hahahaha.

So many good memories though... NY (Porcupine Tree, remember how we got in the show? LOL), Nearfest (and the "best crowd in the world), :lol: It's been awesome bro!

That being said, it's not goodbye yet. See you in a few days. Make sure your plane isn't late, 'cause I ain't waiting long. :lol:
Good luck and safe trip Lucas, and as J-Dubya said we will leave the light on for you