So there was some chick named Katie on the chat..


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
* Welcome ShreddyMarz, now talking.
<Katie> Hi
<ShreddyMarz> heya :]
<Katie> sup..?
<ShreddyMarz> not much, listening to some Wintersun and trying to ponder what to do with 320$ extra bucks haha!
<ShreddyMarz> you?
<Katie> nm, listening 2 green day =)
<ShreddyMarz> nice nice, how's their new album?
<ShreddyMarz> haven't had the chance to hear it yet
<Katie> gr8
<ShreddyMarz> sweeet
<ShreddyMarz> hey, can you give me your opinion on one of my guitar videos?
<Katie> k brb
<ShreddyMarz> y
<ShreddyMarz> alrighty*
<Katie> back
<Katie> it's gr8
<ShreddyMarz> awesome, thanks!
<ShreddyMarz> you listen to metal bychance?
<Katie> no
<ShreddyMarz> aww, if you like green day i could get you into some good power metal that sounds like green day
* Flood detected.
<ShreddyMarz> if you like billie, you'll like this no doubt
<Katie> k i'll c it
<ShreddyMarz> kk
<TheXRatedDodo> so i herd there waz girlz in here lolol
<ShreddyMarz> LOL
<TheXRatedDodo> sup jess.
<ShreddyMarz> trying to write
<ShreddyMarz> you
<TheXRatedDodo> wanting a smoke
<TheXRatedDodo> fuuuuuuuu
<Katie> cool song =)
<ShreddyMarz> rofl
<ShreddyMarz> you like, katie?
<TheXRatedDodo> i should feed her some avant-garde shit
<ShreddyMarz> -_-
<ShreddyMarz> naw here.. i'll get her into some cleaner threat signal
<ShreddyMarz> want one more, katie?
<TheXRatedDodo> i havent heard the new shit
<TheXRatedDodo> let me hear this shocking tone
<Katie> ya
<ShreddyMarz> dude wow
<ShreddyMarz> threat signal sucks live
<ShreddyMarz> here you go
<ShreddyMarz> i'm actually covering this one
<TheXRatedDodo> that snares fucking sick
<ShreddyMarz> tue madsen FTW
<Katie> ppl how old r u ..?
<ShreddyMarz> i'm 19 almost 20, you?
<Katie> i'm 16
<ShreddyMarz> haha i remember 16
<ShreddyMarz> good years, don't ever forget them
<ShreddyMarz> you have MSN or AIM, katie?
<TheXRatedDodo> my 16th year fucking sucked
<TheXRatedDodo> fuck you jess
<TheXRatedDodo> and my 15th
<TheXRatedDodo> and most of my 17th
<TheXRatedDodo> ;D
<ShreddyMarz> i worked 14 hours a day 5 days a week when i was 17 :p
<TheXRatedDodo> i was at college
<TheXRatedDodo> then i dropped and started smoking more weed and life got awesome
<TheXRatedDodo> i love it
<ShreddyMarz> WIN
<ShreddyMarz> same exact shit happened to me after i got fired
* Flood detected.
<TheXRatedDodo> yep
<TheXRatedDodo> sat around in the living room listening to good tunes and watching fucked up films
<ShreddyMarz> hahaha
<TheXRatedDodo> having david lynch induced out of body experiences at 3am
<TheXRatedDodo> fuuuuuuu
<ShreddyMarz> LOL
<TheXRatedDodo> seriously
<TheXRatedDodo> first time i watched inland empire
<ShreddyMarz> i got into the Hellraiser
<ShreddyMarz> series
<TheXRatedDodo> i was having out of body experiences
<TheXRatedDodo> hahaha man
<TheXRatedDodo> hellraisers fucked
<ShreddyMarz> pinhead is my fucking idol
<ShreddyMarz> for everything i ever write that is metal
<TheXRatedDodo> haha
<TheXRatedDodo> i cant write anymore :(
<TheXRatedDodo> ive just lost the ability to write
<TheXRatedDodo> can only improvise now
<TheXRatedDodo> nobody is in
<TheXRatedDodo> time to crank Sunn O))) and listen to that 28 minute track off disk 2 of altar
<TheXRatedDodo> niiice
<Katie> no girls come in here right..?
<TheXRatedDodo> you can tell?
<Katie> i'm booored
<TheXRatedDodo> smoke more weed
<ShreddyMarz> katie, you have MSN or AIM?
<ShreddyMarz> lol
<Katie> ya
<ShreddyMarz> don't influence this bright young mind into our bullshittery
<ShreddyMarz> haha, what's your email for msn?
<TheXRatedDodo> fuck that shreddy
<TheXRatedDodo> start em young
<TheXRatedDodo> dont want her getting to like
<TheXRatedDodo> 30 years old and still listening to fucking metallica
<Katie> (insert email here)
<ShreddyMarz> LOL
<TheXRatedDodo> i mean
<TheXRatedDodo> what the fuck is up with that
<ShreddyMarz> added
<Katie> i'm offline right now
<ShreddyMarz> ahh
<ShreddyMarz> so katie
<ShreddyMarz> i herd u liek mudkips?
<TheXRatedDodo> i herd u liek mudkips?
<Katie> what..?
<ShreddyMarz> hang on i'll show you what we're talking about
<ShreddyMarz> *URL to a beheading video*
<ShreddyMarz> there
<Katie> brb
<ShreddyMarz> kk

*30 minutes later with no activity*

<ShreddyMarz> where the hell did she go man
<ShreddyMarz> LOL

I am an asshole.

Sorry, but Green Day triggered it!
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I doubt anyone gives much of a shit
just get in here and troll this poor girl/fbi agent/fat old man/all 3 at once and make some lolz happen.
How about posting these kinda threads in the proper section guys?

+ 3.14159

BTW, Shreddy, there are no girls in this forum and neither the chat.
He could look like a girl but inside his pants there is a weapon of ass destruction.

Hello Shreddy, I'm Katie! I love Green Day.

Power Metal that sounds like Green Day... WTF???

And what's wrong with listening to Metallica at 30, I'm sensing some power-metal snobbery here ;)
Pretty different vocal styles though really - oggy! oggy! oggy! oy! oy! oy! Punk vocals VS. Operatic Power Metal lol. Everyone I know who likes that sort of stuff hates power metal.
any guy that owns a pair of testicles hates power metal


but seriously.
why stagnate and keep listening to metal til you're 30?
i get bored if i dont keep trying to discover new shit.
Yeah, but why stop listening to it either, just because you feel that you're getting older?

When I done my music degree I was subjected to all the different prestigious classical, jazz and free-improv under the sun etc, but at the end of the day I'd still rather stick on some Maiden or Megadeth, because I can connect with that more, and it just hits the spot best for me! Each to their own I suppose...
lol, i promised myself to never watch checclear or whatever it's called these days anymore.. sort of do not want.