So today, I learned that ReinXeed has a magic guitar.


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
Visit site

The dude can summon and unsummon it at will.

This is going to be the most amazing set ever at progpower. (No, I'm not being sarcastic. I am stoked beyond rationality to see them play).
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I'm also enjoying Tommy's covers of Swedish pop songs. Here's one with Tommy from ReinXeed and PelleK from Damnation Angels:

Lol, jump cuts galore in that video thus the "magic guitar".

But yeah, this sounds like fucking Ecliptica era Sonata Arctica in a great, great way. I'm quite excited about these guys now.
Great song, weird video. :lol:

I agree, the jump cuts on the video are odd. And you can tell it was all done using Chroma Key (aka "Green Screen") technology. Obviously not a huge budget was involved, but fun nonetheless! Looking forward to these guys already. :)
Next year will feature the two best openers in a reallu long time.

ReinXeed and Damnation Angels. Fuck. God damn. This is going to rule!!!
I'm gonna get the fanboy in me out right now: I am supremely ecstatic that ReinXeed will be playing the fest next year. I've been a fan of the bands since Majestic came out, and have been hooked on their new ones since they were two-month-in-advance promos. It's gonna be hard to top this for me next year. :D
I wish I still liked this vein of power metal like I once did. That way I could be as pumped as you guys, lol.

I think we can play opposites though. I don't see too many of the folks who are crazy stoked about ReinXeed being the same folks that are crazy stoked for Soilwork like I am.
Between this and that new Seven Kingdoms song, I feel like I'm 16 again. Haven't dug new (to me) power metal bands like this in a long time.
I wish I still liked this vein of power metal like I once did. That way I could be as pumped as you guys, lol.

I think we can play opposites though. I don't see too many of the folks who are crazy stoked about ReinXeed being the same folks that are crazy stoked for Soilwork like I am.
I love SOILWORK. I've seen them many times. I'd love to see a special set for Progpower since they tour here often. Natural Born Chaos in it's entirety would do splendidly.