So Volbeat pulled out of their fall tour...

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They had joy
They had fun
They had teasin's in the Sun....
Not, t, t, teasing. Ah, t, t, teasing. Name that tune.

Well, I wanted to see them for the novelty, though it's not my style of music. I had a friend who was considering ProgPower only because of them, but she's a big fan. I'll be just as happy getting my oddball moment from Mustach.
I must say I am amazed by the stupidity shown in this thread:

- karma? dude, the band chose to cancel both the PP show and the In Flames tour since they (or their manager) see something bigger on the horizon for them. Its called a career move and although you might be pissed off, it makes sense for them. Talking about it like their career is going down the drain and bad karma coming back their way is ridiculous.

- major festival in USA cancelled, major festival in Europe cancelled? Seriously, READ the statement! They didnt cancel a European festival / they cancelled their part of a European tour w In Flames. Sometimes people dont read the entire statement before flaming. As for "major", please quit referring to everything that goes on at this board as MAJOR!

Now, the only thing I will agree to in most of these posts is that it must be a drag for Glenn (no pun intended :)) to see a band cancelling his show due to other commitments, and then also cancel those commitments. Can't be a funny thing.

But come on people / even if you're pissed off w VolBeat's decisions, you have got to understand that there is some kind of logic and planning behind it. A band of their status isnt just "throwing away possibilities", they are carefully considering every move, and this next year will be a make it or break it year for them. At least give them the chance to see if it works.

Wow / just wow - I'm really "impressed" by the lack of understanding for business on this board sometimes.

Ha. You act as if you've never been on the board before!

He's a busy man--he doesn't have time to deal with incompetence! :lol:

Im surely joking.

I wish Volbeat the best of luck in whatever they do, I just don't like how they made a big deal out of this tour and pulled out of ProgPowerUSA (providing Glenn with unwelcome headache Im sure) just to shoot the tour down. I would assume they'd know all the business aspects of the tour before they even agreed to do it in the first place. I'm sure their reputation will get them the recognition they are striving for--its just a matter of how long it will take and when it will carry over to an international level. ProgPowerUSA would have been a great way to get their foot in the door here in the states though.
ProgPowerUSA would have been a great way to get their foot in the door here in the states though.

I'm skeptical about this statement. We're a pretty small community and for a band like Volbeat... a foot in the door in the States means a middle slot on Family Values Tour, Gigantour or Ozzfest. At minimum. (Note: that's basically how the popular Japanese bands have been coming over the last 2-3 years.)

This is mainstream band...and just holding this segment of the metal audience would be extremely limiting careerwise.
He's a busy man--he doesn't have time to deal with incompetence! :lol:

Im surely joking.

I wish Volbeat the best of luck in whatever they do, I just don't like how they made a big deal out of this tour and pulled out of ProgPowerUSA (providing Glenn with unwelcome headache Im sure) just to shoot the tour down. I would assume they'd know all the business aspects of the tour before they even agreed to do it in the first place. I'm sure their reputation will get them the recognition they are striving for--its just a matter of how long it will take and when it will carry over to an international level. ProgPowerUSA would have been a great way to get their foot in the door here in the states though.

Couldn't have said it better! +1:headbang:
Claus, you make a good point.

BUT... I'll wait to hear their next plan, to see whether they really are making a wiser career move, or made some major blunders. If they come out with a supporting gig for someone huge, then it miiiight redeem them. But I question whether that will happen.
People like Stingray are the reason for this stupidity, Claus, because they have no idea what they talk about and make up half-assed rumors based on nothing as if they are a walking copy of TMZ.

Yeah, smart is confirming a major (first ever) US gig then bailing it to join another major festival and then cancelling that one. Nothing says professionalism like dropping two major gigs in less than 2 months.

Some times bad publicity is bad publicity, which is too bad because I really really like their music. It's going to take a hell of a lot to redeem this one.


Do you know anyone at Volbeat's camp? No you don't. So how about you get a clue.
People like Stingray are the reason for this stupidity, Claus, because they have no idea what they talk about and make up half-assed rumors based on nothing as if they are a walking copy of TMZ.

Do you know anyone at Volbeat's camp? No you don't. So how about you get a clue.

Personal attacks much? Enjoy your forum holiday. I know I will.
Wow / just wow - I'm really "impressed" by the lack of understanding for business on this board sometimes.Claus

I'm equally as "impressed" by your ability to routinely overlook the fact that the vast majority on this forum don't work in the music business world. Your justifications for Volbeats "logic" may very well have validity. But, as a fan, we all reserve the right to get pissed off when we feel we've gotten crapped on.

I certainly can't fault Volbeat for trying to maximize their earnings, but quit acting like we're all a bunch of naive idiots who just don't have the proper "business" understanding and therefore can't be upset. There's plenty of business/companies/etc. that justify their "business" decisions by saying it's better for them in the long run. In many cases, this involves screwing fans, customers, employees, etc.

Once again, Volbeat deserves to pursue financial success, no doubt. But lets call a spade a spade here and quit undermining the fans who just want a chance to see them live.
I'm equally as "impressed" by your ability to routinely overlook the fact that the vast majority on this forum don't work in the music business world. Your justifications for Volbeats "logic" may very well have validity. But, as a fan, we all reserve the right to get pissed off when we feel we've gotten crapped on.

I certainly can't fault Volbeat for trying to maximize their earnings, but quit acting like we're all a bunch of naive idiots who just don't have the proper "business" understanding and therefore can't be upset. There's plenty of business/companies/etc. that justify their "business" decisions by saying it's better for them in the long run. In many cases, this involves screwing fans, customers, employees, etc.

Once again, Volbeat deserves to pursue financial success, no doubt. But lets call a spade a spade here and quit undermining the fans who just want a chance to see them live.

Arguments like this just show me that the "fans" and the business-side people (who are also "fans"...otherwise they wouldn't be in this business, just remember...) need to learn how to communicate better and cooperate for the benefit of the artist. I think Claus is taking the right approach with the way he communicates how he sees things...and I think being insulted by a cancellation or acting like the band owes you something as a fan is exactly the WRONG approach.

Most touring musicians are the working poor. If somebody has the opportunity to be a true mega rockstar and make money doing what they love, they need to take it. It's the same way to succeed in any other type of business. You don't let anyone hold you back just because of loyalty...(in fact, the people who would hold you back are being disloyal in that regard) You can do that while being honest in business...which is truly your only responsibility to anyone else.

It almost seems like the fans act like they own the bands that they they're your bitch or something. Dance, monkey, dance!
I think people feel that respect for them has been shirked, if not by the cancellation of their first booking, then by the cancellation of the tour that the original booking had been canceled for originally. I mean, lets face it, in a completely objective way, Volbeat may be trying to maximize profit, but at what expense? They (whoever is involved in these situations) are not showing other people respect. I think that's what it comes down to more than anything, and that's why people are upset.

And I think they have a right to be, and I think Volbeat could've handled the situation with a LOT more grace, right or wrong.
It almost seems like the fans act like they own the bands that they they're your bitch or something. Dance, monkey, dance!
While I agree with pretty much everything you've said in this thread so far, I have to comment on this one item. I won't say that fans own the bands, but a bands success is determined by their fans. Any given band would be absolutely no where if it wasn't for the fans who buy their music, pay to attend their shows/concerts/tours, buy their merch, play that band for others, repost items online, write positive reviews, and so on. Does that mean that the band has to cater to every given fans specific wants/desires/beckoning call/etc.? No - but I think fans have a right to be upset when stuff like this happens and they certainly have the right to voice that frustration.
While I agree with pretty much everything you've said in this thread so far, I have to comment on this one item. I won't say that fans own the bands, but a bands success is determined by their fans. Any given band would be absolutely no where if it wasn't for the fans who buy their music, pay to attend their shows/concerts/tours, buy their merch, play that band for others, repost items online, write positive reviews, and so on. Does that mean that the band has to cater to every given fans specific wants/desires/beckoning call/etc.? No - but I think fans have a right to be upset when stuff like this happens and they certainly have the right to voice that frustration.

I hear what you're saying. And I'll concede that the fans have a right to voice frustration; however, some of the reactions that have been posted have been more like hostility than frustration.

EDIT: I would also like to point out that in general our particular group gets treated extremely well by bands (and bands get treated extremely well by us) and I think an unfortunate side effect of this is that we completely blow a gasket every time a "just business" insult happens which is much, much more common outside of this community. Perhaps the access we have is a blessing AND a both the fans and the bands.
I think people feel that respect for them has been shirked, if not by the cancellation of their first booking, then by the cancellation of the tour that the original booking had been canceled for originally. I mean, lets face it, in a completely objective way, Volbeat may be trying to maximize profit, but at what expense? They (whoever is involved in these situations) are not showing other people respect. I think that's what it comes down to more than anything, and that's why people are upset.

And I think they have a right to be, and I think Volbeat could've handled the situation with a LOT more grace, right or wrong.
Couldn't have said it better. While the lack of respect they have shown other people (Glenn particularly) may not have been intentional, I haven't really seen any word coming out of their camp that indicates that they have any remorse for being so fickle with (and somewhat unaware of) their booking arrangements. I'm sure they see everything they've done as a logical business move, but eventually it does come back to the fans who are putting money in their pockets and they seem to have irritated at least a handful or two of those fans. I realize that PP fans may be a small percentage of their fans/potential fans, but we are also the kind of fans that help a fan-base of the bands we like grow (per my post above). As seen on this forum, we are also the kind of fans who will boycott, shit-talk, etc. bands that have done wrong by us. Volbeat seems to have forgotten that word-of-mouth marketing can work two ways. At the same time, a lot of us tend to forget that the vast majority of people don't necessarily take music artists/bands choices and products as seriously as many of us on this board do. Most people probably won't think twice about seeing or buying from a band that has canceled a tour or gone back on their word in the past - hence Van Halen tours and GNR tours selling so well even given some members fickle/drama-queen natures.
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