SOILWORK releases new single, "This Momentary Bliss"

Mmmmm dat intro riff. Takes me back to "A Predator's Portrait". So so good.
Wow, that does sound awesome. After hearing 2 songs, I think this will be my first Soilwork CD I will pick up since Figure Number 5. Well done!
I think they got it right again. I was a little put off by the last album but this sounds very good back to the Soilwork signature riffs and vox. Great guitar solo too! I am very excited for this release now and man I cannot wait to see them ripp up the Prog Power stage. As many times I have seen Soilwork live, it will be nice to finally see them on a huge stage with a great sound system....

man I cannot wait to see them ripp up the Prog Power stage. As many times I have seen Soilwork live, it will be nice to finally see them on a huge stage with a great sound system....


Right? Easily my most anticipated performance this year.
Holy shit! I just had a chance to listen to this. This song seriously does it for me. I'm crazy excited for this album.

Also I got a serious lol out of this youtube comment:
LazarusADD said:
God's voice is a mix between Bjorn's voice and Christian Alvestam's voice.
Ughhh... I hate admitting I'm wrong. Luckily, it's such an infrequent occurrence, I don't have to do it very often. But this album is kind of bad ass. I'm not real clear on why they didn't take the 10 - 12 best songs and just make it an even stronger disc. Than again, I'm never sure why any band does that.

Hey Milt... you should definitely ask them that. I'd be curious to know how seriously they toyed with the idea of just narrowing it down to the 10 - 12 most elite cuts.