Solid Progressive Metal bands close to Chicago?


Aug 1, 2002
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I know the Chicago area has a lot of good bands... was curious if there are some prog metal ones in the area... preferably who can pull it off live.

You'll know why soon. ;)
Mindwarp Chamber was great at the PoS/Kingrow show last year................also, Inner Siege was really good at MelodicRock Fest 3. Though if you don't think Divinity Compromised is weird enough, these are also probably not weird enough.
HA! Just happened to be reading this thread and never thought we'd be mentioned here, as we are from upstate NY. We've been friends with the Ion Vein guys for many years and they invited us to play the Powerfest the first couple times they hosted it. (I also recommended our singer, Scott Featherstone to them for recording their new CD which I believe is coming out in July....)

We are still around and will FINALLY release our 5th CD in September. Roman (guitar player) and I are going to the studio this evening to mix one of the tracks for it and Scott will be recording his final vocal track for the last song on May 9th. This disc came out much better than any of could ever anticipate and I consider it to be the true follow-up to Flashpoint.

Thanks for mentioning us!
Sadly, the only active progressive metal bands in Chicago are Divinity Compromised (who definitely pull it off), Oceanborn (who do not), and Slauter Xstroyes (who, though great, seem content merely to play material from at least 25 years ago). The pickin's is pretty slim in this area. Mindwarp Chamber broke up for the twentieth time, Lydian Sea is on lockdown once again, Ion Vein went in a not-so-prog direction, Aziola Cry disappeared off the face of the earth, and Twelfth Gate is doneso. Of course, these were all more traditional prog bands, so if you're looking for something weirder, this area never had that going for it.

Although I love my boys in InnerSiege, they are a straight up power metal band, and sadly, they're not all that close to Chicago. As for Enertia, I wouldn't exactly categorize them as prog. Besides, as Joe pointed out, they're from New York.

Stay metal. Never rust.
The majority of Draekon are from Indianapolis. However, the singer is from North Carolina. Because of this, the band rarely performs live. When they do, however, they sound great.

Stay metal. Never rust.
VISION is from the Chicago area. I know they are working on their third CD right now. They are definitely diverse but I don't know if they would be progressive enough for you.
Vision is a two-man band (singer and multi-instrumentalist), and thus a studio project. Milton's looking for bands that perform live.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Dude, I can't believe no one other than Enertia_Joe mentioned ION VEIN. Chris Lotesto used to promoted the crap out them guys and I remember seeing them at the CHicago Power Fest. Great group of guys and I thought Reigning Memories was great. According to thier website they've got a new CD coming out July 8th.
YAKUZA is definitely weird, but I would not at all consider them prog.

I was originally going to say that I did put them pretty far down on my "weird" list, but then argue that their long songs, complex rhythms/structures, unusual instrumentation (saxophone in place of keyboards), and almost entirely clean vocals (on their later albums) are enough to at least make them worthy of mention on the weirder side of prog.

But then I decided to do a Google search, and found this in their record label bio:
Chicago avant-garde progressive metal cult, its follow-up “Beyul” continues in the unique artistic expressionistic way that YAKUZA have always been known to deliver; a volatile and progressive miasma of controlled chaos where the fusion of progressive metal, jazz, and experimental pillage metal collide.

Holy hell, that's the densest use of "progressive" I've ever seen! They're more "progressive metal" than Dream Theater! Yakuza for PPUSA WhateverNumberWe'reUpToNow!!!!
But then I decided to do a Google search, and found this in their record label bio:

Holy hell, that's the densest use of "progressive" I've ever seen! They're more "progressive metal" than Dream Theater! Yakuza for PPUSA WhateverNumberWe'reUpToNow!!!!

LOL - ha, interesting.......
A band like that has played with bands from practically every genre....
So I guess why not a prog metal band!!!!

I remember seeing them for the first time at Milwaukee Metalfest.
Yeah, lots of head scratching with that crowd!!!