Someone please explain Jake E Lee to me, please!

Well he DID play for Ozzy. J/K......... given Jake's style, he needs a bluesy, raspy natural baritone who is also comfortable in the tenor range. Blues rock sounds best sang by a baritone. Other types of rock and metal are tenor dominated. Robert Hart would work well with Jake (He was the 3rd singer for Bad Company and was closer to Paul than Brian style wise) but last I heard he was with the Manfred Mann band. Speaking of Bad Company......Brian Howe was awesome 25 years ago, but he is in his 60's. My knowledge of blues rock singers is a bit limited. Russell Allen would kick absolute ass with Jake, but he has a good gig right now.

Haven't heard the new guy , but that Harem Scarem drummer guy was Ok. I think he went back to his regular gig.
I see your point though - he could have a great unknown who would be happy to take the gig, to put on the resume if nothing else. Maybe he's just happier with a grizzled old timer like himself . That kind of limits things vocally for most people though.
Do we know for sure they are getting fired? Maybe they are quitting of their own accord?

From what I read, Jake let them go, but who knows. I like Jake's style, I'd love to see him get a stable quality line up. The Badlands stuff is going to take a good singer to pull off.