Song Survivor - Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger round 2

Vote for the 3 weakest tracks

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Active Member
Feb 3, 2016
United Kingdom

So "Over fjell og gjennom torner", "I en hall med flask og mjod" and "Graven takeheimens saler" have been eliminated!

I repeat: "Those of you voting for “Graven...” need to listen to the section starting at 2:18 on repeat until your change your mind. Fuck it’s just so beautiful."

Sad to see it go in the first round, but I would have voted it out this round anyway.

Vote for the 3 weakest. This is the penultimate round so make so your choices carefully.
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Easy round for me as I already knew which 2 I wanted left at the end from the start. I voted for "Transilvanian Hunger", "Skald av satans sol" and "As flittermice as satans spys". The title track did not have a single vote until now, and while it's one of the most iconic black metal songs of all time, I think the two I didn't vote for are a hair better.

All great tracks, as I previously said I love the start of "As flittermice..." and I am a huge fan of the section starting at 2:05 in "Skald av satans sol" and that was perhaps one of my favourite sections on the entire album when I first got into it!
Title track, "Slottet i det fjerne" and "En as i dype skogen."

The latter was the hardest choice of the 3 for me, but the remaining two are prime material for favourite on the album.
it was too good to go out in the first round, but so are all the remaining songs. i'm happy i chose it in the end 'cause it saved flittermice <3
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the best argument against it is it stands out tonally and might fit better on UAFM, which isn't a bad thing in my eyes of course. either way i love that shit, it's a totally disorienting whirlwind.

that said, goodbye flittermice.
Skald, Flittermice, and Dype Skogen.

Flittermice is the most intense song which is a plus but the repetition works against it.
I'm voting off of Notepad.exe. I listened to it last year but I don't care enough about the album to remember anything beyond the title track. I'll relisten to those two songs later and let you know precisely how you are wrong.
Got around to it and you're definitely wrong. Skald has that kinda cheesy Middle-Eastern-sounding chord progression that gives it a vague Sabbat thrashy feel at parts, but it's too stilted and dumb to be intense. Flittermice is much more malicious.