Songs currently kicking your ass.

Type O... halloween in heaven has been kicking my ass lately.

wicked song
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Good thread idea. "Oceans Rise" by Borknagar has been kicking my ass lately, its a shame i just discovered this song/album now.

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Angel of Disease

sounds like something straight out of Altars. but it's on Covenant. fuck yeah!
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That whole album rules, even the long ambient track with the equally long title.
V5 - Yeah, but that video was better then the other ones...

Omni - Oh Jesus yes. There are times when I perfer it to the former album. The two ambient songs in those two albums are some of the best moments.

Definitely my favorite song by them.
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Why is this song like ten times better than the rest of the album? The live version from For the Loveless Lonely Nights is better though, but I didn't find it on jewtube.
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