Speaking of Power of Omens...


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
I know some of you are wondering where these guys disappeared to... here's Dave G's recent post on the PM Rising board:


Hey guys....

Sorry it's taking us so long with the new disc. Unfortunately, anything I say is pretty much an excuse... ...but none-the-less, there have been a few set backs in this whole process from work schedules, to side projects, to even at times frustration due to the lack of interest people have in us anymore.

However, now that I'm in Dallas, with the majority of the band, (and even though it's taken us a while), things have finally started moving forward.
We're aggressively working on the new material and just have a few more songs to finish before we start recording. We really want to aim for a Fall release, but that will depend on how quickly we can wrap up the writing. We also have the battle of finding a new label... so it may not be as soon as we would like. The new CD really will depend on alot right now. However, those that have heard the new clips have gotten a glimpse into the new direction we're heading. The new material is alot more structured, and so much more solid... the craziness is not completely gone, but instead a bit more confined with the technique still present. Some of this material is the hardest stuff I've ever played, yet at the same time, alot more listener friendly. As John Frank said in a post some time back, Prog Metal fans will probably really dig this disc... The Tech-heads though may have there own opinions. We definitely don't want to disappoint old fans, but at the same time, we need to stay fresh to our own craft. In my opinion EotO was a great disc, as was Rooms... both way different in styles... but with the new CD, we're trying to take the best of both CDs and gel that with a new focus...
at least new to us.
I know we'll never be able to please everyone, but hopefully we'll still have a few faithful who will always find interest in what we do.

Just a little bit of *new* news though,
We now have a full-time keyboardist by the name of Joel Hopkins... he's been with us now for a few months, and has really added alot to the band. His addition has really helped us speed things along... and not to mention taken alot of pressure off of me.

As soon as we can get someone to take new pictures, we'll update our site. Actually, a new site is also in the works.
