Stop the fucking flaming


Feb 8, 2006
planet troll
okay its over

every thread has turned into a homo flame-fest. It is offically over. I don't think anybody is really enjoying posting here anymore and people are picking fights for no reason. This is fucking stupid.

no more flaming
KillerGon said:
i said this few hours ago...

yeah but me and rider pm'd each other and made it offical. It has just gotten dumber and dumber and im sure nobody even knows why the fuck we are fighting anymore.
ummm yeah, I think that's why I stopped posting here back a few years ago.. ppl talk way too much crap and just piss each other off... and it sucks cuz that's how dif forums here get closed.. like the Opeth forum back in the day .. and the AE one i believe.. so ppl, stop posting shit and be nice damn it!

this could be done, to be nice i mean but when the place turning gay and more and more gayzors come over what the choices do you have:
-to leave this gayness
-bash the gayness

i choose both.
Works for me... I mean, a fun comment every now and then is expected, but it does get out of hand quite often.

Cheers all :kickass: