Stygma IV question


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Just read Marty's review on Metal Reviews...checked out the website...checked out some sample tracks...very cool!

Anyone know how to lay their hands on the new album "Hell Within?"

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
Just read Marty's review on Metal Reviews...checked out the website...checked out some sample tracks...very cool!

Anyone know how to lay their hands on the new album "Hell Within?"

Rock on!
What a great band!!! I actually sent Glenn a few cdr's from these guys. I really hope he considers them and tries contacting them as all of their albums are great and they sound amazing live!

Anyway, I bought my copy of the new one from
If you buy from there, tell Ken I sent you!

These guys deserve a shot at ProgPower; very unique sounding band.
nightwish58 said:
Anyway, I bought my copy of the new one from
If you buy from there, tell Ken I sent you!
That was one of the first places I checked...couldn't find any evidence of the band at Laser's Edge store...

Out of stock, maybe? Any chance of restocking?

Any other place to recommend...cuz I'm turning up nothing...

Rock on!