Subterranean Masquearade


Complete Bastard
Sep 8, 2001
I'm currently in the middle of mixing the new SM album. It's going very well (apparently) and so far our only major challenge has been the number of tracks/resolution etc. We're working in Pro Tools HD, and finally hit the 64 track limit (at 96k/24bit).


Neil K.
When hitting 64 tracks it gets hard to keep under control...
By the way, why is such an huge number of tracks necessary? Are you recording a orchestra piece by piece or something? (sorry about my ignorance Neil, I never heard the music of Subterranean Masquerade, but I'm looking forward to it)
I'm sure you are going to develop a masterpiece. Good luck and don't go nuts yet! :D
LynchpiN said:
When hitting 64 tracks it gets hard to keep under control...
By the way, why is such an huge number of tracks necessary? Are you recording a orchestra piece by piece or something? (sorry about my ignorance Neil, I never heard the music of Subterranean Masquerade, but I'm looking forward to it)
I'm sure you are going to develop a masterpiece. Good luck and don't go nuts yet! :D

We just finished the mixing today. This isn't something I tracked, so as I was learning the material there was a certain amount of wading through the plethora of tracks to find the essential ones - as in numerous mics on a single source etc - choosing the best sounding one(s) etc.

There are strings and horns and choirs all over this album. We had 40 available Pro Tools outputs, and used them all up on every song.


Neil K.
Novembers Paul said:
The final mixes are awesome. This came out great. I can't wait to hear the mastered version.

Glad you like them Paul. Also, it was very good to see you the other day.


Neil K.
I still don't do any mastering as of yet. I prefer to send my stuff out to people who do it for a living (as you probably remember from TWTF). I have recommended a couple of people to Tomer though. We'll see what he decides to do. I just hope he doesn't opt for the cheap and cheerful solution when this album really does deserve a world class mastering job.

Neil K.