Sunny weather means Anthrax


Sep 10, 2004
Is it just me, or is Anthrax the perfect soundtrack for sunny weather? It's a fine summer's day here in Glasgow, and WCFYA fits it better than anything. Does anyone else get this?

Come to think of it, maybe Anthrax is a *substitute* for sunny weather. Maybe that's why they're so big in Glasgow and Chicago. Heh heh!
I trust along with listening to thrax in sunny weather that you're drinking bbq'ing and thinking about hot chicks that you've done in the past. :D
Back in highschool, what we called "End of the World Weather" was Anthrax weather! This type of weather being mild, cloudy, with the possibility of rain by the looks of the clouds.
But now that I think about it, ANY type of weather is Anthrax weather. Anthrax for every mood! :D
DarbysDad has got the mix about right there. Except that today it's as AuntieSocial describes, only pissing down. Slayer weather.
Last two days wev'e had June gloom not and sort of warm around 80 but and a little humid. POT weather.

Before that desert hot with no marine layer in the morning. Every other album weather.
