Superior 2.0 / Metal Foundry Hats Issue?


Oct 24, 2007
anybody else ever notice when you switch the hats to the '14" Sabian HHX Power Hats' you occasionally hear what sounds like a beat or two dropping here and there?

here's the sequence of events that leads to this issue for me:

1. record the drums using one of the other hats
2. end up not liking the original hat choice and switch to 14" Sabian HHX Power Hats
3. hear what sounds like an occasional beat drop on the hats

if i select any of the other hats i don't hear this. when i record the drums (Reaper) i'm just tapping out the beat on a midi-pad interface. i have four pads setup for the hats varying from closed to very open. when i record the original track using the 14" Sabian HHX Power Hats - seems to be ok. it's just when i switch to them after the fact.

bug? anybody else ever hear this?
Sounds like the Humanization to me. Turn it off and then go back to your Piano roll zoom in and see if it added any small additional hits on your hi-hats. S2.0 has done this to me a coupla coupla times. So you're gonna right click your hat in S2.0's interface and turn off the humanization, I turn them all off then humaize them in Reapers Piano Roll :D
Sounds like the Humanization to me. Turn it off and then go back to your Piano roll zoom in and see if it added any small additional hits on your hi-hats. S2.0 has done this to me a coupla coupla times. So you're gonna right click your hat in S2.0's interface and turn off the humanization, I turn them all off then humaize them in Reapers Piano Roll :D

thanks man, that seems to have been the problem, although it makes me wonder why it didn't effect the other hat choices too... i just had to turn off 'random' to get it back on track.

thanks for the tip on Piano Roll too. guess it's time i start investigating that further..after using Reaper for years now. if you know of any great tutorials, vid or page, i'd be interested in hearing about them.

this also makes me wonder how many people routinely turn off HUMANIZE options in S2.0... POLL?
does it happen to you that when you bounce the drums the hits sound insanely loud compared to the rest of the drumset? I am talking like 10 dB if I recall correctly.
does it happen to you that when you bounce the drums the hits sound insanely loud compared to the rest of the drumset? I am talking like 10 dB if I recall correctly.

no, i don't bounce - i just play the midi and change the hats. no major swing in volume, the hats just sound like they cut out every few beats.

the saga continues, though... today after determining that turning off the 'random' HUMANIZE button things were ok for awhile and then Reaper crashed. after rebooting my PC, every time i opened the project and pressed play it would crash. after trying a few different things, to no avail, i finally turned the 'random' back on and everything works again. :mad: