Supreme Court upholds health care law

Went for a motorcycle ride in the mountains today to try and escape this smothering heat and humidity here...fucking African heat wave just hit us. Fuck me, it was hotter in the mountains and fucking Italians are scared to death of fucking air conditioners, so everywhere you go you're just sweating your balls off.

I don't know if anyone of you have ever heard of this, but in Italy there's an old thing called "colpo d'aria", or literally "a punch of air"...also known as "a nice, light breeze" to the rest of the world. They are scared to sit in front of a fan because some shit about their neck getting cold and giving them stomach cramps or some shit. These people are the biggest pussies when it comes to comfortable temperatures (or maybe we're just pussies when it comes to the heat?). This shit drives me INSANE. Have you guys ever heard of this? It seems to be an old folks thing passed down to even the younger generations. They're like the human matter how hot it gets, it doesn't faze them, but as soon as a nice breeze comes along, they have to close the goddamn window and make everyone fucking BAKES. Am I wrong to think that if you get cold easily, you should wear a fucking sweater or something whenever you go somewhere? It's not normal to sweat inside. Am I alone in this? I know in the states we use the A/C way too much, but what about other countries? Do you have this as well?

I truly believe that this heat has made me so irritable.
I live just about as far north as you can get, so I don't even wanna imagine the hell everyone in the south is feeling right now. Although, they typically use air conditioners much more than in the north out of necessity. Their nights are also much cooler due to the sea. It's mainly the humidity right now that's killing us. It's completely still and really muggy, like Louisiana muggy. A fan usually suffices, but there is always one or two weeks out of the year where it's just miserable and I think we're in it.

It's not even that hot, either. It's like 90...a nice, hot summer day. It's just that damn humidity that sucks. Can't wait for this front to move on and to get back to 80-85 degrees with about 50-60% humidity instead of 90%.
:kickass: Welcome to Hell. Texas has been no joyride for ages and neither has most of the South.
I'm just a pussy when it comes to hot weather...I simply can't stand it. I hate going to the beach, I hate walking around in the summer, and it just makes me wanna stay inside all day under the A/C.

At night it's not so bad, but the day is terrible. The thing is that everyone has A/C but they just don't use it. They must have really thin blood here.
I live just about as far north as you can get, so I don't even wanna imagine the hell everyone in the south is feeling right now. Although, they typically use air conditioners much more than in the north out of necessity. Their nights are also much cooler due to the sea. It's mainly the humidity right now that's killing us. It's completely still and really muggy, like Louisiana muggy. A fan usually suffices, but there is always one or two weeks out of the year where it's just miserable and I think we're in it.

I live in Minnesota and EVERYONE here bitches about the temperature. Sure, the winters get -50 with the wind chill for a few weeks, but the moment it gets above 70 here, EVERYONE is bitching about how hot it is. Me, I don't get bothered by the cold or heat too much. I walk to work a lot, year round, because I live only about 5 minutes away, and being from Georgia, people look to me to be the first one to complain about the cold. I'm the LAST one to complain about the cold. It's 86 right now and people have been bitching all day about it. Living in GA, this would be warm, not hot. I'm used to it being 100-110 with 100% humidity. Minnesotans are pussies, haha.
I've been away from home for so long that I'm afraid to go back in the summertime. As a whole, this region has nearly perfect weather. Winters rarely drop below 20-30 and summers rarely get above 90-95 with humidity hovering around 60%. The fall and spring seasons are absolutely wonderful, with clear skies and temperatures between 50-70 for months on end.

I've become such a wuss with hot weather. I get really agitated and cranky like an old man.
Sounds like my kinda place :kickass:

Haha! Well, that too! Just about everyone smokes weed here. Funny story:

The other day I was at work and I went downstairs to smoke outside with a colleague who rolls his own cigarettes, so he rolled me one as well. We're sitting there and one of the bosses comes back from working out and sees me and starts laughing and says, "Are you smoking weed?". I burst out laughing and told her no, it's just a rolled cigarette. The funny part about it is that nothing would've happened even if I had been smoking weed.

It's not legal here, but everyone just turns a blind eye to it.