Symphony X/Blind Guardian - 11/21/02


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
What an outSTANDING show this turned out to be! Great crowd and 2 great bands really blew the doors off the Birch Hill Niteclub. Blind Guardian was MUCH louder & more aggressive than at ProgPower. Perhaps it was the smaller stage (?), but Hansi & co. were commanding and the crowd was so into it, a good time was had by all. Here's the setlists for those interested:

Symphony X
Sea Of Lies
King Of Terror (awesome live!)
Church Of The Machine!!!!
Smoke And Mirrors
Of Sins And Shadows

Blind Guardian
War Of Wrath--->
Into The Storm
Welcome To Dying
The Script For My Requiem
Harvest Of Sorrow
Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill)
Born In A Mourning Hall
Bright Eyes
Under The Ice
Bard's Song: In The Forest
Imaginations From The Other Side
Lost In The Twilight Hall
Lord Of The Rings
Mirror, Mirror

A completely awesome show, from top to bottom. I have ZERO complaints. I'll try to add more of an actual review later, but for now I have to go back to work :rolleyes: Enjoy!
I was there too last night. They were even better than at Progpower and I can't wait to see them again Saturday.
They had a signing that day and only a dozen or so people showed up becuase it wasn't advertised very well :( But the crowd made up for it. The place was filled and the band seemed so greatful for the response they received. It really was beautiful!
Damn, they played under the ice and born in a mourning hall...argh I wish I could have caught them again on this tour. Hopefully what every band at ProgPower said was true, and that this country is no longer a no-man's land for true heavy metal, because seeing Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray once just isn't enough, dammit. Hopefully the sense of a swelling undercurrent that was felt at PP is more than just blind optimism...metal must return.

I will see them on December 7th. I'm surprised SyX is only playing two songs from their new album. I wish they would also play Out of the Ashes and Medusa's Eyes. But SyX can't go wrong, because all their songs kick ass!
Blind Guardian rules as well!!! I can't wait to blow my ears out again.
I'm glad you had a great time man. At the last second, my girl was like, "I just don't feel like it, stay here with me, blah-blah". Totally sucked. Oh well, we'll definitely get to see some more shows together dude.

Were you able to get rid of the tickets?

Talk to you soon man.

I was there as well, at least for Blind Guardian.

I was furious, because I had a couple of wrong turns and missed Symphony X.

As for Blind Guardian, I agree that they were better than at PPIII. Hansi's voice was still a little weak on 'Into the Storm' and one or two others, but otherwise was much stronger.

Also, it made me realize what a great venue the Earthlink Theater is!


P.S. - Mark, I looked around for you, but couldn't find you. It was a lot more crowded than I thought it would be.