SYMPHORCE "Number 6" in the making


vanquish the pain
Oct 5, 2001
ensamhetens vildmark
“Time runs fast and after we received tons of e-mails from fans all over the planet, we´re happy to let you know, that we started working extremely hard on our new (sixth) effort about three weeks ago. Together with Dennis Ward we will start recording the new stuff in November at the House of Music studios. Never change a winning team!
The album will be entitled “Become Death” and it seems like this is going to be the hardest and probably heaviest output ever. For the first time in Symphorce history, Thomas Ewerhard will be responsible for the cover artwork. The release of the new stuff is already scheduled for February / March 2007. So stay tuned, as the `phorce is ready to strike again!” (Andy of Symphorce)

On another note SYMPHORCE had a line-up change. The new drummer is Steffen Theurer (ex-Chinchilla)