SymX cancel Florida appearance

mannnnnnnnn whattt the fuck is this man!!
comeeeeeeee onnnnnnnnnnnnnn
this is not fair.. fuck florida!! im sooo fucking moving out next year!
fuckkkkk man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by Jem7vwh
mannnnnnnnn whattt the fuck is this man!!
comeeeeeeee onnnnnnnnnnnnnn
this is not fair.. fuck florida!! im sooo fucking moving out next year!
fuckkkkk man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

That, ladies and gentlemen is an example of what happens when you listen to wayyyy to much mainstream pop music. Pray it never happens to you.
whaaaaaaaaat???? noooooo, this can't be!!! why??? how they can???? NOOOOO!!!!!!!! so what I do now with my tickets??? what the hell this is not fair, I have waited 2 moths for this day and now you tell me they have cancelled????:mad: !!!!!!!!!!!!
......just tell me you are kidding!!!
FUCK!!! now i'm really pissed off, I already cancelled my working hours for tomorrow, i will lose money and you are telling me that the show is cancelled..... come on!!

I'm making a 12 hour drive from Bama for this show. I've been waiting for this show for MONTHS now. :mad:
Is the show still going to happen?

Does BG get a longer setlist or what?

Who the hell is filling in for Sy-X? :( :confused:
I was going to the concert to see SYMPHONY X.. and now they aren't coming.. Oh... that's not FAIR!!

They will be loosing a lot of fans like ME!!
I was so happy today was the 25th, 1 day before the best concert.. and that happens!!

I prefered see Symphony X play a longer set-list and BG doesn't play!!

I hope they're joking with all Floridians!!

Members of Symphony X.. if you read this msg.. think of all the fans you have here in Florida.. and come make this show!!
The entire tour might be canceled??????????????????:mad: :mad: Man, someone said they've been waiting months for this tour....... but I've been waiting YEARS just to see them.

If I don't see Symphony X kicking some ass I'm going to go insane......
Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
The entire tour might be canceled??????????????????:mad: :mad: Man, someone said they've been waiting months for this tour....... but I've been waiting YEARS just to see them.

If I don't see Symphony X kicking some ass I'm going to go insane......

Entire tour cancelled? Where have you heard this?
thats not fair with the fans....
cancel the tour 1 day before.. and whats the reason for?

i've never see SX live... and i've been into since the damnation game albun.. years waintin and waiting.. and now a day before jus get cancelled!

Guys they are gonna have a headlining tour soon, and Im sure its an extreme family emergancy of some sort, so like yeah it sucks ass they arent playing, but like dont go dogging the band for something that is out of their hands. Theyll be back again for the headlining tour, and I wouldnt be suprised if Symphony X plays two straight shows in Florida, to make up for this one.
Chill a bit. touring is a screwey business. The band is probably losing money on this tour, they are doing their best. The fact is they should be headlining arenas, not scrounging up enough cash to warmup another underground band. Blame good old capitalism, I love it, but it isn't to good when it comes to art.
As in limp korn buiskits, stinkin park, if you get my drift
Yeah.. but we've been waiting for months.. and when it gets one day before the concert.. we get a update that they aren't coming anymore.. we'll need to wait for months again....
Hope to see a good band filling Symphony X's slot!!
So...precognition and blind guardian are still playing??? the SYX merch will be avaliable in the gig??? at least some of the members will be there??? ....AND WHAT IS THE FUCKING REASON THEY ARE NOT PLAYING?????
Originally posted by Dieblo
So...precognition and blind guardian are still playing??? the SYX merch will be avaliable in the gig??? at least some of the members will be there??? ....AND WHAT IS THE FUCKING REASON THEY ARE NOT PLAYING?????

The band gave you a reason called "unforseen circumstances". That's all they need to say. Dont know about the merchandise, but it would be my bet that the answer to that would be no.

Merchandise will soon be availbale on line at the band's website.

I think I know the reason why!!! Symphony X doesn't like FLORIDA!! Why just this concert had to be cancelled??

Why you guys don't cancel the Austin, TX show on the 28th and come play here!!

If you guys tour in January/February as people are saying with Amom Amarth (which this band SUCKS) is Symphony X playing FL?? I hope yes.. but when the day before this concert comes.. don't cancel due to unforseen circumstances!!!

I know most of the people that will go to the concert see Symphony X + Blind Guardian discover at the door Symphony X will not be playing will be very sad and.. I don't know what they'll do!!!

Symphony X should their fans first!!