Tales of the Open Mic


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
Lady friend and I went on a date last night and we checked out an open mic in downtown greensboro. I brought my sax and signed up for the open mic. I was apparently around the 10th act and at 2 songs allowed that was a lot of waiting and listening to terrible amateur rappers with one of the highlights being a track called "A whole lotta girls, not enough liquor" which was basically that line repeated over for 2 minutes, people who can play but can't sing worth crap, and a lot of waiting while people were rambling on and not getting to the performance.

We got there at 10:30 and I finally played at 12:30am or something. It was a short folk composition that I wrote for piano but since I didn't have a portable keyboard I played the melody on sax. The bar was silent while I played whereas every act before me, people could of cared less that and continued socializing with their friends.

When I was done I received a warm, possibly genuine, response and I was walking back to my date I got asked to do an encore. I said I didn't have anything else (for solo sax) aside from doodling/mucking about and they said to go up and doodle! So i did and then after like 45 seconds I stopped cause I didn't want to waste people's time lol. As i was heading out I got nice compliments from some people with one wife asking me what my story was even. And that was the end of the night