Thankful for small miracles


RI Porch Commando
Oct 21, 2003
San Diego, CA
For those who don't know, Todd and I moved into a new house at the end of July. (yay!) The move went very smooth, except for one rather huge problem: One of our pets got freaked by all the commotion and ran away. (so not yay) Mo(zart) was one of many kittays I have enjoyed being the human for over the course of my years and was definitely one of my favorites. We searched for months to no avail and I was beginning to believe that he was lost forever.

Yesterday I decided to look on the Escondido Humane Society website one last time, entirely not expecting to see any furball remotely resembling our little one. Then I about fell out of my chair when I thought I saw him. Forwarded linkage to Todd, who thought he *might* be our guy. Only way to know for sure was to actually go in and see him, of course, so I hopped in my car around 4:30 to head over...

I am entirely ecstatic to say that after (almost) four long months our little one came home last night! Yep, I am very thankful for small miracles. :)

Awesome, Colleen! We had a family cat (a Siamese) that we thought was gone forever, then it showed up NINE months later on the deck of my folks house in central WI, perfecrly healty
and definately mad at us for not being there, she really let us have it vocally. Cats rule, I don't care what anybody says... :headbang:
huzzah! welcome home, Mo!

good humans, for checking back to the site :)

and J-Dub, i will whole-heartedly agree - cats totally rule!


--Reverend Su...Crazy Cat Lady
Yeaaaaaaaa Mozart, glad it all worked out. I know how attached you and Todd were to that furball.
Good news! I almost lost the family cat the other day. I didn't know he was in the garage, opened it up and he escaped. Went to feed him later that day and he wasn't around! He came back later that night when I came home from eating out. He was by the garage meowing like crazy wanting fed! Thank goodness for his appetite! :)

If he hadn't come home, my name would have been mud :cry: I'm just lucky he came back!

Cats rule, but I like dogs better - as you can tell by the avatar! :lol: (anybody want a slightly used crazy as hell Pug?)
Reading that just filled me with the fricken coolest funny wonderful googly moogly feelings!! What a happy ending...
Now go out and make the movie!:lol:

CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!! I would hate to lose any of our four legged furballs!
Thanks for all of the warm thoughts guys - I freaking need it right now. The little shit pushed out of a screen when I left for a meeting around noon and is nowhere to be found. Our dog (who was raised with Mo) is bummed, our little dude is more bummed and I am so freaked out right now it's not even funny.

Posters have been put out, postings on craigslist and I've been canvasing for hours. He doesn't know the neighborhood (it's about 20 miles from where we used to live). Send out some positive thoughts for us, please, ok?

I'm sure he'll turn up and is just freaked out with all the sudden changes, but good thoughts won't hurt the situation.

Off to go do some more cat hunting....
Oh my gosh, Colleeen, I'd be so distraught if any of my kitties ever went missing. I don't know how you managed. :(

But YAY! For getting your kitty back! :)

I recently adopted a cat, and he's microchipped. So if he should go missing (God forbid) he at least has some identification for the shelters/vet clinics who have the technology. Most of them do by now, I think.

Edit: I just saw your post. He's missing AGAIN? :( You might check where you used to live in a few weeks. He might have gone "home." Our neighbors had a cat (that spent half his time at our house) that did that. They moved him to a location 15 miles away, he was AWOL for 3 weeks or so, and one day showed up on our doorstep, demanding food and petting.
Wow I didn't even see that he escaped! Well congrats on getting him back again! Maybe he is accustomed to being outside now and just wanted to romp around. One of my indoor cats got out and was missing for only two weeks. When he came back he liked being inside for a few hours, then it was like pulling teeth to keep him in the house. He always came back at least once a day with only a few instances where he was gone for a few days at a time. So maybe your little guy just needed to run around a little but it seems he knows where home is.