The Adjustment Bureau


UM's Resident Asshole
Apr 22, 2003
Maplewood, Minnesota
Mind = Blown. Wow, so much better than I expected, as I went in with really no expectations, and expecting a Bourne knockoff. I couldn't have been more wrong. Left me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and my boss and I (the owner of the theater) both see it as being one of, if not the best movie of the year so far. I think I will be hard pressed to see a better movie this year. Do yourself a favor and see it.
Just got back from TAB. I thought it was extremely well acted and a very clever idea. More of a romantic drama than anything else, which was not what I expected either. Overall not bad, but not great IMO. 7/10.
I will see it on my day off, especially if they let me off early tomorrow, Rango isin't doing as well as expected so I got cut after the cleaning was done tonight. Adjustment bureau only had about 50 people in it compared to Rango's 100.

kinda sad.
It's obviously not an instant hit seeing as I was off this weekend along with a bunch of other people (what's up with all the theater workers here?) but I'll have to check it out this week.