The 'can't miss em' thread


Blue Bomber
Feb 28, 2005
Due to money costs, I can't book myself for ProgPower unconditionally any year unless there are bands there that I absolutely can't miss. I'm sure a few of you are in the same boat...Taking the roster clues into consideration, what are the bands that would convince you to attend this year?

For me:

Freedom Call
At Vance
Dream Evil
Iced Earth
and maybe Labyrinth

I'm probably missing a few...but any one of these would put me in Atlanta this September. :)
But as I will officially be single, and regardless of what the lawyers do to me finaincially - I NEED ProgPower (and I have only been to one) - so Glenn could sign Barry Manilow to headline and I'm still there :) It's a chance to see a buncha great bands that I otherwise would never see (bands avoid Colorado - gotta be the altitiude LOL) - meet some cool people, find out about other cool music I didnt know was out there - shop in metal nirvana, and I'm making it an annual pilgrimage for a buddy I grew up with who never takes a freaking vacation either.

That said - any of the bands on your list are "guarantee insurance" for me as well. I'd also really love to see Masterplan as I didnt get to see ARK, and any time Glenn wants to bring back Orphaned Land in the future is cool by me :)

now where was that thread for the dateless people LOL
Freak Kitchen, and Glenn gets my worship for eons.....
Gamma Ray would be nice , Iron Savior, God, there are just so many.....
I'll be there regardless, and I've never had a bad time at Prog Power!
Not even PoS can scare me away........

I'll be there regardless...

But something that I won't miss for anything : (I'm only including bands I still haven't seen here)

Masterplan (or anything with Jorn)
After Forever
Stream of Passion

More and more and more...
I will be there hell or high water because of PYRAMAZE, but ones i don't want to miss.

AND THE NEW NIGHTWISH with ............. as the new female singer
MadeInNewJersey said:
Just had this conversation with a friend...

I would need at least 3 of the following to attend:
Iced Earth
Gamma Ray

Do you have any idea of the $$ it would require to put those three on the same bill? The days of PP III are long gone. I could only afford one of those bands these days. Not to mention the fact that it would require a ton of extra $$ to actually get Dragonforce a visa based on their problems.

I'm conformtable saying that I hope to see you at PP VIII.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
Do you have any idea of the $$ it would require to put those three on the same bill? The days of PP III are long gone. I could only afford one of those bands these days. Not to mention the fact that it would require a ton of extra $$ to actually get Dragonforce a visa based on their problems.

I'm conformtable saying that I hope to see you at PP VIII.

Glenn H.

I know Glenn, I know. [/pipedream]

I've been holding out hope upon hope that Iced Earth would ever make their long-rumored PP debut; I know you've had many a good conversation w/ Jon over the years and I just have my fingers crossed that this is the year it comes to fruition.

Besides, I didn't say I needed ALL of them! :lol:

I like your cryptic hint at the end of the post though!:headbang:
Dragonforce, new Nightwish...forgot about them. Leave's Eyes would also convince me to go. However, I would kill the pope to see Freedom Call.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I've been holding out hope upon hope that Iced Earth would ever make their long-rumored PP debut; I know you've had many a good conversation w/ Jon over the years and I just have my fingers crossed that this is the year it comes to fruition.

I'd like Iced Earth at PP only if it was some kind of special show. They tour the US regularly. There's plenty of chances to see them, and they're very approachable after the shows (from what I've heard). Don't get me wrong, they're one of my favorite bands, but I want bands and/or shows at PP that I'm not likely to see otherwise.
Yippee38 said:
I'd like Iced Earth at PP only if it was some kind of special show. They tour the US regularly. There's plenty of chances to see them, and they're very approachable after the shows (from what I've heard). Don't get me wrong, they're one of my favorite bands, but I want bands and/or shows at PP that I'm not likely to see otherwise.

Yes and no. IE has only toured the U.S. 3x in the past 5 years, that's not exactly Opeth-like. :D

But yeah, I get what you mean.
Blind Guardian
Demons & Wizards
Pagan's Mind
Orphaned Land
Sympohony X
New Nightwish or
Nightwish reunion at Progpower XXXXIV

Many of those bands have been to progpower in the past, but VI was my first progpower, so i missed them the first time around.
While I plan on going no matter who's there - half the fun of PPUSA is discovering new bands and meeting new people. I always return a fan of more bands that when I left. Still anyone of these bands would rule! In no particular order ...

Gamma Ray
Freedom Call
Rob Rock
Axel Rudi Pell
Jaded Heart
Circle II Circle
Primal Fear
Seventh Key
Blind Guardian
Silent Force
Grave Digger
Westworld, TNT or Starbreaker

and a bunch more I'm sure I'm forgetting!
Andy Laudano said:
While I plan on going no matter who's there - half the fun of PPUSA is discovering new bands and meeting new people. I always return a fan of more bands that when I left.

I couldn't agree more. The other half is hangin with all the cool folks and grabbin Sh0kr0k and Shaye's asses :)