The Complete LotFP: 1998-2005 Book Thread

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

So I've put a ton of time into this already, so I'm doing it for sure.

The details: Every interview and editorial appearing in LotFP from the first newsprint magazine issue through Scum will be in the book. I still have to contact the individual authors of various pieces that have appeared in LotFP during that time, but if I get permission, it will go in. I'm trying to get copies of my work for the ProgPower programs 2001-2005 as well so all of those interviews can go in.

Content will be edited for format consistency and proofread, but otherwise will be kept as originally printed.

No reviews will be included.

Here's what has to happen:

All material must be compiled into one master document. So far I've done this with 27 issues (and 786,000 words), which means I have to scan in 38 more issues.

Then I must go through every interview and every editorial I have ever done and make all the formatting consistent (when I use [x] or <x> or (x), italicize band names, that sort of thing).

Then some poor bastard will be proofreading it.

Then layout has to be done.

I'll be publishing this myself through, a print-on-demand operation. They have a very good reputation that I'm aware of through the gaming community (and I have several books printed by Lulu and they are indistinguishable from a book printed "normally.")

I'd originally wanted this to be a digest sized book but Lulu's maximum pagecount is 740 for softcover, or 800 for hardcover. There is no way I'd fit everything in that pagecount. So it will be an 8.5"x11" sized book, softcover, and I still expect it to sit right at about 740 pages and around 1.5 million words.

To turn a reasonable profit, I expect to have to charge $35-$40 per book, with those profits being used to fund future LotFP print issues.

Questions? Comments? Light Grenades?
Occam's Razor said:
grrrrreat! - who's the poor proofreader? - want to get divorced again:tickled: ?

Fuck the proofreader, I'm going to end up getting divorced from scanning this crap in!

38 issues where my fucking scanner has fits with my tiny print and I have to correct shit like "So what (oes into writinf an AURORA wag?" to "So what goes into writing an AURORA song?" on a line by line basis.


But I'm mainly doing this so John Haughm can send me an email asking me to not reprint the Agalloch interview from mag #3. He will be disappointed. :D
Occam's Razor said:
why so? - that interview was good...

He had thought I'd cut the recorder off early on, and didn't intend the entire three hour conversation to be printed. As I recall, a lot of people became very interested in Agalloch because of that interview. And I know he had some personal benefit from it beyond band stuff, so I don't see why he didn't like it.
wasn't that the interview with all the neofolk stuff in it? - I understand that there are people that have reservations about that genre and its bands...not for nothing in some cases.
Occam's Razor said:
wasn't that the interview with all the neofolk stuff in it? - I understand that there are people that have reservations about that genre and its bands...not for nothing in some cases.

I haven't actually read it in quite some time (and I'm thousands of miles away from a copy... my collection won't be shipped here for a couple more months), so I don't remember the specifics. I do remember he went into detail about his trip to Finland. It'll be fun to compare his 1999 experience to my current experience.
I have read another one when you still had them on the website, maybe I printed it out and have the pages floating around here somewhere.

However, now I am going to read myself a good night story - compiling your book can't be as tedious as my university work...damn linguistics, let's go legasthenic...
Up to 1,167,664 words.

Holy crap. The revision process is so embarrassing. I'm looking at people's names right now. eek.

Did you know that I have never, and I mean never, spelled Jonas Renkse's name correctly before today?

The "Dream Theater's John Bertucci" thing was bad enough.

But yeah. Lots of corrections to be made, we're probably talking months worth of work before it's ready to be passed off to an outside proofer. haha.

I have all the material I need except the work I did on the ProgPower programs (probably a couple dozen interviews in total there), plus I hope I still have the tapes of the interviews I did in early 2004 that have never been transcribed, let alone released: Dan Swanö about Crimson II, Dusk's Babar Shaikh, Cea Serin's Jay Lamm, and Ásmegin/Ram-Zet's Ingvild Johannesen. and Raymond Njerve I believe from Lunaris. Those tapes (and others) wouldn't be here for another two or three months though. In my big piles, I also have a Forest Stream interview I never printed from 2002 or something (boring), Pissing Razors in 2001 (the album they were doing promotion for stunk, but basically was anti-Bush right after 9/11 when Bush was well regarded leading the nation's response, but the guy wouldn't stand behind his album and say anything bad about him at that point, haha), plus I need to re-listen to a Dan Swanö interview from 01 or 02 where I covered up the Death's Design plot for Dan and I want to get the real wording for the re-release since a half-decade on, I'm hardly going to ruin the album's big joke.

Because I can't think of one thing at a time, I'm also wondering about layout ideas for the book. 800 pages of pure text is going to kill eyes. So another project for me might be to start contacting people to get photos from the time period their interviews took place. Plus, for the non-weekly issues, I should probably reprint those covers in the book as well.

Any good ideas on what the cover should look like? Since it's not going to be in stores anyway I thought I'd just slap the LotFP logo on the cover with my name (and the other contributors' names over the years) on the bottom, and put "The Complete Interviews and Editorials 1998 - 2005" on the spine. *shrug* Cart before horse. :p

Also thinking of just going ahead and making it a hardcover book and making the price $49.95. Shit's going to be too ridiculously big (almost 2" thick) for softcover and those get beat up too quickly. Planning on having it available through Amazon, including the and .de versions as well so shipping costs won't be quite as deadly for any Europeans.

All of this with a goal of selling 200 of them. wooo.
I think a tasty layout is a question of money. I like the new layout of the new Isten issue, as well as what has been done for Chaos #11, I believe it was done by a member of German band Fragments Of and white overall, but really creative.

As for the cover, what about some mock-advertisement, like In Flames did with the Carlsberg t-shirts ("probably the best band in the world")...even though that was far from being the truth for the band, haha...

...or a design in the way of the title page of a major newstand metal magazine, for example the Lamentations header in the logo design of Metal Maniacs or Rock Hard, Terrorizer...

endless possibilities, not enough money...
Journalism is defined as "Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast."

So how is it a misnomer?
Zealotry said:
Journalism is defined as "Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast."

So how is it a misnomer?

I think Jim wrote an article about how the term is misused or something. I can't remember exactly. :loco: Hence, the wink.