The Cult


Greekus Urungus
Mar 15, 2006
The Low Low, IL
First off let me say that i've really liked their songs over the years ("She Sells Sanctuary", "Fire Woman", "Sweet Soul Sister"), but they are one of those bands that i never looked into.

Where should I start with them?
Sorry I missed this thread.

Anyway, I would start with Love. To me that album has no filler and is easily my favorite. From there, go for Sonic Temple and Ceremony. Some people will claim Electric is the best but it never really caught on with me as much as the others. I haven't heard the newest so I won't comment on that.
Yes, they did. Southern Death Cult was the original name, I beleive. Much moodier than the popular songs you can actually hear on radio.

The album Love is, IMHO, by far the best in their catalog. Not a bad song on it. Electric has some really weird stuff on it, but also some classics like Love Removal Machine and L'il Devil. Sonic Temple went in a very different direction, and Ceremony followed that same formula - much more epic songs, big 80's sound. Next came the self title CD, I think, and it had a very electronic feel, like the band was heavily influenced by Nine Inch Nails. Beyond Good and Evil went back to hard rock and was a great CD. I know nothing about their latest, though.