The Haven at The Moor (and introduction)


New Metal Member
May 25, 2004
It's great to see so many Opeth fans gathered in one place and being so active. Let me introduce myself, I am Larrik Jaerico, creator of The Moor at (listed on the Opeth site as well). If you've never been there, I invite you to check the site out. I hope that since it is exclusively an Opeth site, and this is Opeth's message forums, and I make no income from the site (there's no ads or anything) that this will not be considered spamming, and will be seen as the invitation that it is.

About me: I became an Opeth fan about 4 months or so before Blackwater Park came out, and My Arms Your Hearse was the album that got me into Opeth. I borrowed the album from a friend, and by the time When was finished, I had already stopped off at the record store and bought my own copy. I've NEVER done that before, it usually takes me forever to like an album (only 2 other CD's have made me like them immediately as much as I still do, Orchid, and The World Needs a Hero by MegaDeth).

Currently, my favorite Opeth albums are probably Still Life and Blackwater Park, which are similar enough to justify not having to choose between them. My least favorite is easily Deliverance, assuming Damnation simply doesn't count (although I actually listen to Damnation more often anyway). I'm not saying Deliverence is's great, but you can hear that they split their time between the two albums on both albums, and Deliverence suffers because of it.

To pick a favorite song is difficult...I'd say When, Demon of the Fall, Amen Corner, or Blackwater Park...or the Moor, dammit, see? I can't do it!
Nice site. Glad to see someone has put up a section for song interpretations. I've been thinking about it, even registrered a domain ( but I never got the little push I needed. I have a small collection of interpretations found on this forum if your interested.
There is nothing wrong with The World Needs a Hero.

I'm very interested in the Interpretations, osse87, if you have them handy, email them to

Mr. Niel, yeah, that's next on the list, maybe even tonight.