The new Ayreon album leaked


May 24, 2006
Atlanta, Ga.
It's not very good, aside from about two songs on the 2nd disc. All vocalists are very underused, and Arjen is recycling melodies like never before. Overall it's just plain boring.
wtf and i just pre ordered like the deluxe-godlike-ultra cd dvd combo thingy

i cant take someones word on this one, gotta listen for myself!
wtf and i just pre ordered like the deluxe-godlike-ultra cd dvd combo thingy

i cant take someones word on this one, gotta listen for myself!

I am going to order that DVD combo thingy too. I have heard it BTW and its very good!!!!Its a way that Ayreon can only be!!!

I am going to order that DVD combo thingy too. I have heard it BTW and its very good!!!!Its a way that Ayreon can only be!!!


im halfway through the first cd and its killer so far, but ill give a full opinion later when ive heard it all.

i dont see how the cd could suck with this cast.

does anyone know what tracks derek shernian did keyboard solos on?
Can you guys(the ones that have heard it) give me some more info about the album's sound? are there any Pink Floyd-isms like in Universal Migrator?
I received the actual promo this week from the label, and I loved the package... beautiful artwork, and the album is amazing!!!! \m/
possible spoilers, so read at your own risk

i listened to it, but i listened to the 2nd cd in my car on the way somewhere so i havent got a good evaluation of the cd.

but the last song on the first disc is about dating people over the internet

i havent paid attention to what all the songs are about so far, but i know the song before the internet one was talking about comets n shit, so i have no idea what the hell is goin on w this ones story. i didnt want to spoil anything for anyone, i figure the people who have pre ordered might want to have the lyric book in front of them and all that stuff, who knows.

but i want to know what tracks derek sherinian guest solos on! tell me you guys with booklets!

So I guess all you haters will not pay for the album?

I loved the disk, I will be buying it as soon as it comes out.

Yeah it is a little different than a couple of his albums, but there are some notable exceptions. Song 4 on disk2 will tear your head off.

I think that, overall, this was one of the best albums I heard in 2007.
I'm curious. Those of you who have heard it, whether you like it or not, what did you think of The Human Equation? I wonder if there is a correlation between people who like this album and people who like, or dislike The Human Equation.
I'm curious. Those of you who have heard it, whether you like it or not, what did you think of The Human Equation? I wonder if there is a correlation between people who like this album and people who like, or dislike The Human Equation.

Good question, from the posts I read here it seems either A) the album 'rocks' or B) the album 'sucks', no one is giving any reasons as to why they say one thing or the comparisons, no "this song sounds like this" nothing..
The singers are very underused. He use to use singers for big chunks if not for full songs, now it is a couple lines here and there. The biggest chunks and best chunks IMHO are those with Jonas from Katatonia singing. Arjen needs to do more with Jonas and I think Daniel was underused. This cd has 4 of my fav singers, Daniel, Jorn, Tom, and Jonas, and they aren't used the way they should have been. Jorn and Daniel singing back to back on the first track is amazing. The first song, liquid eternity, and the last song are my favs, but the rest is just boring for Ayreon. The Human Equation, Star One, Universal Migrator, and everything else I have loved, but to me this release just doesn't reach the high standard he has set for himself.
I'm liking this. Seems to be a lot of atmospheric elements to many of the songs. Ayreon has certainly put out heavier material than this, and perhaps that is what some prefer. I don't feel the singers were underused at all, I just think there's just so much talent on this album that he'd need 50 tracks to fit everyone in adequately. No big deal.
I haven't heard it yet, but I haven't not liked (if not loved) everything he's put out. I can't imagine I won't like this as well. You all have me really curious though.

He's going to be headlining for 2008 though, right? :)