The new Sentenced album

I've heard the whole album though I've not bought it yet. It sounds very great, definetly better than Crimson which is IMO their worst album. The Cold White Light is not going to top Amok, Frozen or Down but it's definetly a strong release and quite much shows how necessary the two year break was for the band.
Can't waint to see them live again 24.5. Alcohol, partying and heavy metal it's gonna be once again.

"So drink to forget, and drown all your sorrow.." -indeed! :D
I´ve heard 2 full songs and 2 30 sec. samples

= Excellent!

I think it will bve available next week through Centurymedia mailorder...
I must admit that I didn't expect all of you liking this album...Sentenced have changed even more and I think that it is obvious that they have a new more gothic influnce in their music...Of course the hard rock elements are still here but this album is their less metal release ever! Of course that doesn't make it bad...I love this album too but I expected their old fans (from the Amok period) to say that this album is a total crap...
Suprised again!
I too love Sentenced.
I began listening to them with Down. That is my favriot followed by Crimson. I love Frozen, but its like Down songs left over. "dead leaves" kills though.

I have heard great things about The Cold White light. We wont be let down fo sure.

Amok era fans arent bitching anymore because its now four albums after Amok. If they are still bitching it really shows they dont have much else to do with thier pathetic existence.
@Necronine, Alexseretis

Amok period people don't have to care anymore, we have The Black League now :D

As for what comes to CWL, I stopped caring after I heard Frozen and if you say this is almost as good as that, then it's pretty much not worth the time.